Missouri bill bans lab-grown meat from being called meat

The meat industry, fearing societal changes toward increased environmental and health awareness, has moved swiftly to try and combat lab-grown and plant-based meat. Both promise a slew of benefits for the environment and human health, but threaten to upend the existing meat industry, spurring efforts on the latter's part to prevent use of the term "meat" in association with these new types of meat products.

Nazis Are Just Like You and Me, Except They’re Nazis

Why Trump Stands by Roy Moore, Even as It Fractures His Party - By the time Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, made the last of his repeated pleas to President Trump to keep his distance from the Senate candidacy of Roy S. Moore, it was too late. In America's Heartland, the Nazi Sympathizer Next Door - HUBER HEIGHTS, Ohio - Tony and Maria Hovater were married this fall.

Baltimore Sun: It wasna t lack of compromise that led to the Civil War

Many have pointed out that White House Chief of Staff John Kelly's veneration this week of Robert E. Lee as an honorable man and his contention that the Civil War came about as a result of an inability by politicians to “compromise” reflected a glaring blind spot about the actual issue at hand. It is, of course, mind bogglingly insensitive to imply that the existence of legal slavery is something about which we might conceivably have found a suitable compromise.

UPDATE 3-U.S. formally proposes to scrap Obama’s carbon-cutting plan

The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency formally proposed on Tuesday to scrap the agency's Obama-era plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, as the Trump administration seeks to slash fossil fuel regulation. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a notice that the agency intended to repeal the Clean Power Plan, which it said relied on controversial calculations of economic costs and benefits.

Tucker Carlson Shames GOPers Who Back DACA: ‘Their Campaign Pledges Were Lies’

The White House has said that President Trump will announce on Tuesday his decision whether to keep DACA in place or to gut it as he promised during the election. Meanwhile, several top Republicans including Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. Orrin Hatch have urged the president not to terminate the policy .

Clean Power Plan Still In Limbo After Appeals Court Ruling

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has decided to put off making a decision about the Clean Power Plan for two more months - on top off the delay it had issued in April. Now, though, the US Environmental Protection Agency must file monthly updates with the court, meaning that its patience is wearing down with regard to how many more delays it will issue.

New high-profile residents cause Kalorama parking headaches new

Parking in D.C. is tough enough, but the new arrivals to DC's Kalorama neighborhood -- the Obamas and presidential daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband -- all come with Secret Service security details, which need parking spots, too. The Secret Service has become a fixture in the Kalorama neighborhood, with the Obamas and presidential daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, moving in.

House Speaker Paul Ryan met with Prime Minister Juri Ratas in Estonia Saturday.

When it comes to Washington's endless tax debates, Erin Calvo-Bacci - a small-time chocolate maker from Swampscott - spells out her frustration in bitter terms. "I've built something and we're surviving," Calvo-Bacci says in national cable TV advertisement, eyes wet and voice cracking, after displaying her signature confection.

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson return for the ‘X-Files’ audiobook

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny during Wizard World Chicago Comic-Con at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center on Saturday, Aug. 20, 2016, in Chicago./Barry Brecheisen The stars will reprise their roles as Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in "The X-Files: Cold Cases", and Audible Original project based on Joe Harris' graphic novels. "The X-Files" creator Chris Carter will serve as producer and creative director on the project.

Congressman Uses “Stranger Things” to Take On Trump

A Congressman Used a'Stranger Things Reference to Take Down Trump David Cicilline compares Trump to the Demogorgon in this hilarious speech At one point, Cicilline used a line from one of the show's main characters as he called on politicians to keep the Trump administration "accountable". In order to make his point clear, he gave a comparison everyone can relate to: Stranger Things.

Texans spar over climate change as House Republicans pledge to make ‘EPA great again’

The political battleground over climate change on Tuesday shifted to the House, where two prominent Texas lawmakers led ever-intensifying sparring over the Environmental Protection Agency. On one side was Rep. Lamar Smith, the San Antonio Republican who crafted the provocative hearing title of "Making EPA Great Again."

“I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore” tops Sundance Fest awards

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Sundance Film Festival wrapped with awards for "I don't feel at home in this world anymore" and "Dina," the grand jury winners in the U.S. dramatic and documentary competitions, Variety said. The directorial debut of Macon Blair, "I don't feel at home" announces a bold new writing-directing talent best known as an actor in such films as "Blue Ruin" and "Green Room."

Trump could revive Missouri proposal on deported immigrants

As President Donald Trump rolls out plans to build a wall on the Mexican border and considers blocking refugees, Missouri lawmakers are trying again to pass a bill aimed at cracking down on deported immigrants who come back and commit crimes. Under the proposal pitched Thursday by Republican Sen. Mike Cunningham, immigrants who are deported but come back and commit any assault or felony offence would face up to 10 years in prison for "illegal re-entry."

Motion filed to compel redistricting ruling

The major plaintiffs challenging the Texas congressional and State House boundaries filed a joint motion earlier today to compel the three-judge federal district court in San Antonio to finally issue a decision on their claims that the Texas maps adopted in 2011 are discriminatory in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the U.S. Constitution. The motion can be viewed and downloaded here.

Rutgers student newspaper fires columnist for attempting to write a illegal immigranta

The campus newspaper at Rutgers University fired a student columnist after he confronted editors who would not let him use the phrase "illegal immigrant" in a piece about illegal immigration. The term does not actually appear in the final Daily Targum column written by Aviv Khavich, a sophomore engineering student at the New Jersey university.