House Speaker Paul Ryan met with Prime Minister Juri Ratas in Estonia Saturday.

When it comes to Washington's endless tax debates, Erin Calvo-Bacci - a small-time chocolate maker from Swampscott - spells out her frustration in bitter terms. "I've built something and we're surviving," Calvo-Bacci says in national cable TV advertisement, eyes wet and voice cracking, after displaying her signature confection.

Congressman Uses “Stranger Things” to Take On Trump

A Congressman Used a'Stranger Things Reference to Take Down Trump David Cicilline compares Trump to the Demogorgon in this hilarious speech At one point, Cicilline used a line from one of the show's main characters as he called on politicians to keep the Trump administration "accountable". In order to make his point clear, he gave a comparison everyone can relate to: Stranger Things.

Rutgers student newspaper fires columnist for attempting to write a illegal immigranta

The campus newspaper at Rutgers University fired a student columnist after he confronted editors who would not let him use the phrase "illegal immigrant" in a piece about illegal immigration. The term does not actually appear in the final Daily Targum column written by Aviv Khavich, a sophomore engineering student at the New Jersey university.