U.S. needs a different role in Yemen

In other parts of the globe, like the Republic of Yemen, lethal forces are stalking victims whom Americans cannot always picture in complicated political scenarios we may not quickly grasp. So the average American blinks, and in that blink opportunists make deals with undemocratic, unprincipled bullies.

State Dems To Elm City: Get Out The Vote

While Republicans were in Southbury Saturday , Connecticut Democrats descended on Sherman Avenue to remind local politicos that the fate of November's general election - and whether or not the state turns red - may rest on whether they can turn out the New Haven vote. On Saturday afternoon around 20 local, state, and national Connecticut Democratic politicians joined a few dozen supporters to send that message and celebrate the opening of the New Haven Democratic headquarters at 180 Sherman Ave. Rallying just 24 days before Nov. 6's general election, most of the party's slate of statewide candidates visited the Elm City to make a pitch for why 2018 represents a critical year for American democracy.

Conn. Republicans unite, but keep distance from Trump

Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton both introduced Republican gubernatorial nominee Bob Stefanowski at the rally and endorsed the nominee's blinkered view of the campaign as revolving around a single issue -his supply-sider's approach to slashing taxes to stimulate economic growth. less Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton both introduced Republican gubernatorial nominee Bob Stefanowski at the rally and endorsed the nominee's blinkered view of the campaign as revolving around a single issue -his ... more Matthew Corey, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, taunted Sen. Chris Murphy, the Democrat seeking a second term, for refusing to debate him more than once.

The Latest: US requests report from Saudi ambassador

FILE - In this Feb. 1, 2015, file photo, Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi speaks during a press conference in Manama, Bahrain. The disappearance of Khashoggi, during a visit to his country's consulate in Istanbul on Oct. ... The United States has asked Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the U.S. to return from a trip home with information on missing writer Jamal Khashoggi.

Democratic Senator Suggests Kavanaugh Nomination Will Result in Women Being Put in Jail for Abortion

On the eve of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation vote, Connecticut Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy told Chris Matthews on MSNBC a year from now, "Brett Kavanaugh will be the deciding vote to criminalize abortion." While discussing Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins' decision to vote yes on Judge Kavanaugh, Murphy said, "I have a great amount of respect for Senator Collins, but I just think she is going to be sorely disappointed when a year from now Brett Kavanaugh writes the decision overturning Roe v.

Corey challenges Murphy to wash windows for him

Republican Matthew Corey, a window-washer who is challenging Chris Murphy for his U.S. Senate seat hangs over the side of a Trumbull Street building in Hartford, Conn, Wednesday, June 27, 2018. Republican Matthew Corey, a window-washer who is challenging Chris Murphy for his U.S. Senate seat hangs over the side of a Trumbull Street building in Hartford, Conn, Wednesday, June 27, 2018.

Dr. Peter Rostenberg

U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro listens with state, local and federal officials at a roundtable discussion about efforts to curb the opioid epidemic at the New Haven Police Department in 2016. U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro listens with state, local and federal officials at a roundtable discussion about efforts to curb the opioid epidemic at the New Haven Police Department in 2016.

Conn. lawmakers skeptical of Trump softening of Putin comments

U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands after a joint press conference at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, Monday, July 16, 2018. U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands after a joint press conference at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, Monday, July 16, 2018.

Former National Teacher of the Year now running for Congress

That was the case for Jahana Hayes, a longtime teacher who decided to make her first foray into professional politics. Hayes told ABC News that the wave of new candidates running for office across the country without formal political experience "gave me the courage to say, 'You know what, maybe I will say yes this time.'

It a belies common sensea Trump would a pressa Putin about election interference: Democratic Senator

A Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said that since President Donald Trump has "believed" President Vladimir Putin's denials that the Russian government meddled in the 2016 U.S. election, it "belies common sense" that Trump "is going to sit down across from Putin and press him hard on the issue of Russian meddling." "He has already said that he has asked Putin about meddling," Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy said of Trump on Sunday in an interview on This Week .

Chris Murphy kicks off annual walk across Connecticut

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy , waving to an assembled crowd, completes his more than 100-mile A'Walk Across ConnecticutA' walk at Rogers Park in Danbury shortly after noon on Thursday, August 17, 2017. U.S. Senator Chris Murphy , waving to an assembled crowd, completes his more than 100-mile A'Walk Across ConnecticutA' walk at Rogers Park in Danbury shortly after noon on Thursday, August 17, 2017.

Candidate’s website mistakes him for a sandwich

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dominic Rapini chats at the Wilton Republican Committee's Save Our State fundraiser luncheon at the Old Town Hall in Wilton June 10. Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dominic Rapini chats at the Wilton Republican Committee's Save Our State fundraiser luncheon at the Old Town Hall in Wilton June 10. "Oh my god, you're kidding me!" Rapini, a longtime Apple executive from Branford, exclaimed when he heard this fact. Rapini's website was recently relaunched and redesigned to make his longshot candidacy more enticing - but making him sound like a warm, grilled sandwich was entirely accidental.

Ben Carson’s Visit And Crumbling Foundations: Everything You Need To Know

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson will visit a Willington home with a failing foundation after Sen. Chris Murphy invited him to look at the issue firsthand. Carson's visit to Vincent and Maggie Perracchio's home comes after years of lobbying by state officials, homeowners and federal representatives for government intervention in what many have called a natural disaster.

U.S. gun industry wants a bigger piece of the world’s arms trade

"Sound policy would not make it easier for U.S. gun manufacturers who made the assault weapons used in the mass shootings at Sandy Hook, Pulse nightclub, Las Vegas, and Parkland to sell them to international buyers," said Kristen Rand, legislative director at the Violence Policy Center. "The Trump administration is once again caving to the gun lobby," said Sen. Chris Murphy , D-Conn., "Making it easier for gun manufacturers to sell more weapons of war to civilians is the absolute wrong thing to do."

Military veterans seek hiring-rules changes

Military veterans who were discharged for relatively minor offenses say they often can't get jobs, and they hope a recent warning to employers by the state of Connecticut will change that. The state's human rights commission told employers last month they could be breaking the law if they discriminate against veterans with some types of less-than-honorable discharges.