Senate report on Russian disinformation details scale, sweep

U.S. President Donald Trump, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin give a joint news conference following their meeting at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16, 2018. less U.S. President Donald Trump, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin give a joint news conference following their meeting at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16, 2018.

Trump’s intel chief still doesn’t ‘fully understand’ Putin meeting

It has been more than two weeks since President Donald Trump met one-on-one with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, but Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats admitted Thursday that he is still does not know the details of what was said during the sit-down. Briefing reporters from the White House podium about the Trump administration's efforts to prevent election interference by Russia and other potential actors, Coats and national security adviser John Bolton were asked to address the President's commitment to the issue given he failed to directly confront Putin last month.

Mixing protest and party, nightly ‘Kremlin Annex’ rally outside…

Activists in dinosaur suits and a shark take part in an anti-Trump protest at Lafayette Square. Nightly protests outside the White House began the evening that its resident made headlines in Helsinki.

EDITORIAL: Dona t believe your eyes? Perrya s trying to make sure you…

York County's own congressman, Republican Scott Perry, is one of 11 Freedom Caucus members and Trump enablers who introduced articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last week just as more of the president's lies were coming to light. EDITORIAL: Don't believe your eyes? Perry's trying to make sure you can't even see York County's own congressman, Republican Scott Perry, is one of 11 Freedom Caucus members and Trump enablers who introduced articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last week just as more of the president's lies were coming to light.

Donald Trump threatens to – shut down’ government if Democrats don’t vote for border wall

The President of the United States of America Donald Trump during the joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018. U.S. President Donald Trump said he's "willing to" shut down the government if he doesn't get the votes he needs on border security.

Trump and Putin’s RSVP’s: Yes, for sure, if, if if. …

President Donald Trump is open to visiting Moscow - if he gets a formal invitation from Vladimir Putin, the White House said Friday. Russian President Putin said he's game for a trip to Washington - but his answer came only after Trump retracted his invitation for a fall sit-down.

Secretary of State Pompeo faces heated bipartisan grilling over…

Secretary of State Pompeo testified before a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Capitol Hill a week after President Trump's one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Secretary of State Pompeo faced pointed questions from lawmakers Wednesday about President Trump's recent summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the firestorm that followed.

Clinton criticizes Trump, saying ‘hardly anybody who believes in freedom gets along with’ Putin

Hillary Clinton on Saturday criticized President Donald Trump over his recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that "hardly anybody who believes in freedom gets along with" the Russian leader and that Trump "wants to be friends with Putin for reasons that we're all still trying to figure out." Nearly a week after Trump met with Putin in Helsinki, Finland, the White House is continuing to grapple with the fallout after the US President shocked the world and provoked a rebuke from some top Republicans, as well as Democrats, in Congress by not endorsing the conclusion of the US intelligence community that Russia interfered in the 2016 election over Putin's denial.

Intelligence chief says he didn’t mean ‘to be disrespectful’ about Trump’s Putin invite

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats issued a statement Saturday saying that he did not mean "to be disrespectful or criticize the actions" of President Donald Trump during a recent interview in which he appeared surprised to learn that the White House had decided to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington in the fall. The widely publicized interview took place Thursday at the Aspen Security Forum.

Cruising for answers to Trumpa s Putin man crush

U.S. President Donald Trump and Russia's President Vladimir Putin talk during the family photo session at the APEC Summit in Danang, Vietnam, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017. I just got off one of those ginormous cruise ships, 1,000-plus feet, 18 decks high, with nearly 5,000 souls aboard.

US intelligence chief Coats says no disrespect intended…

'As a former KBG spy, he knows how to manipulate': Hillary Clinton hints that Putin played Trump during the Helsinki summit and questions why the president has not 'spoken up for our country' Coats issued a statement seeking to control the damage from an interview he gave at the Aspen Institute security forum in Colorado on Thursday Coats was on stage at the Aspen Institute taking questions when he was informed by Andrea Mitchell about the second summit Trump has drawn heavy criticism from both Republicans and Democrats over his summit last Monday in Helsinki, Finland, with Putin Sources close to the White House told The Washington Post earlier this week that West Wing staffers were in an uproar over Coats' comments U.S. director of intelligence Dan Coats said on Saturday he in no way meant to be disrespectful toward President Donald Trump during an interview earlier this week in Aspen, ... (more)

Trump invites Putin to US amid criticism over Helsinki meet

Washington, July 20 : The White House has announced that the Russian President has been invited to Washington later this year, despite mounting criticism over US President Donald Trump's failure to take Vladimir Putin to task over Moscow's meddling in the 2016 US presidential polls. The White House's announcement came on Thursday even as leaders in Washington were still struggling to understand what happened when Trump and Putin met earlier this week in Helsinki, Finland.

Trump: I’ll Be Putin’s ‘Worst Enemy’ If Relationship Doesn’t Work Out

President Donald Trump declared that Russian President Vladimir Putin would be his worst enemy if the bilateral relationship between the two countries does not work out. NEW - President Trump tells CNBC: Obama was a 'patsy' for Russia, 'I'll be the worst enemy' Vladimir Putin has ever had if relationship 'doesn't work out' The president delivered scathing criticism of his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, for his handling of the relationship with Russia.

Trump-Putin II: Planning fall event in aftermath of Helsinki

Unbowed by swirling criticism of his summit encounter with Vladimir Putin, President Donald Trump swiftly invited the Russian leader to the White House this fall for a second get-together. Cleanup from the first has continued with no letup and Trump belatedly decided Putin's "incredible offer" of shared U.S.-Russia investigations was no good after all.

White House: Trump reverses course and now ‘disagrees’ with …

President Trump initially praised idea floated by Russian leader Vladimir Putin to allow special counsel Robert Mueller's team to interview Russians indicted over election meddling, in exchange for Kremlin questioning of Americans. The White House on Thursday walked back President Trump's exuberant endorsement of a bizarre proposal made by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Latest: GOP senator says Trump is ‘misjudging’ Putin

Russian Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with Russian ambassadors to foreign countries in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, July 19, 2018. Putin says his first summit with U.S. President Donald Trump was "successful" and is accusing Trump's opponents in the U.S. of hampering any progress on the issues they discussed.

Amid criticism over Putin summit, Trump wants second meeting

President Donald Trump said Thursday he wants a second meeting with Russia's Vladimir Putin to start implementing ideas they discussed at the Helsinki summit. Under fire over the first meeting, Trump accused the news media of trying to provoke a confrontation with Moscow that could lead to war.