Leftwing faction splits from Greece’s main opposition party, Syriza

Recently elected leader Stefanos Kasselakis accused of ‘Trumpian practices’ and ‘rightwing populism’

A leftwing faction of Greece’s main opposition party has announced that it is breaking away, accusing Syriza’s recently elected leader of abandoning its core ideology for a sort of “rightwing populism.”

Umbrella, a faction led by Euclid Tsakalotos, a former finance minister during Syriza’s government of 2015-19, announced its departure with a blistering statement that accused Stefanos Kasselakis of “Trumpian practices (and) right-leaning populism”.

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Political outsider Stefanos Kasselakis wins race to lead Greece’s Syriza

Centre-left entrepreneur wins 56.69% of vote in stunning and unprecedented rise ‘from nowhere’

Stefanos Kasselakis, an outsider with no previous experience of politics in Greece, has emerged the victor of an electric race to lead the leftwing Syriza, the country’s main opposition party.

The Greek-American entrepreneur, who announced his candidacy for the post barely four weeks ago, attained 56.69% of the vote against 43.31% for Efi Achtsioglou, a former labour minister who had long been viewed as the favourite. Kasselakis’ win now makes him one of the most powerful people in Greece.

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Alexis Tsipras steps down as Syriza leader after Greek election rout

Leftwing opposition leader who was PM during eurozone crisis says party needs ‘profound renewal’

Alexis Tsipras, the former student activist who rose to become Greece’s first radical leftwing prime minister, has resigned as leader of Syriza four days after the party’s crushing defeat in general elections.

Eight years after taking Europe by storm, Tsipras said he was stepping down to make way for a new leader who could oversee Syriza’s “profound renewal”.

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New Greek PM vows to press ahead with ambitious reforms

Kyriakos Mitsotakis of centre-right New Democracy party says he now has ‘strong mandate’ to modernise nation

Greece’s new prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, vowed to immediately press ahead with his ambitious reform programme after winning a decisive victory in the general elections on Sunday.

The New Democracy leader said his commanding 24-point lead over the leftist main opposition Syriza party had given him a “strong mandate” to modernise a country long seen as resistant to reform.

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Former anti-Nazi Greek resistance fighter and MEP Manolis Glezos dies aged 97

Former prime minister Alexis Tspiras said Glezos was a ‘symbol of a fighter’

In the pantheon of Greek politicians feted as much for fortitude as tenacity, few have stood out more than Manolis Glezos.

Tributes poured in Monday as word spread that the indefatigable Greek leftist, who as a teenager tore down the Nazi swastika flag from the Acropolis and more than seven decades later was elected as an MEP for the radical Syriza party, had died of heart failure at the age of 97.

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Greek elections: landslide victory for centre-right New Democracy party

Incumbent prime minister Alexis Tsipras, of Syriza, calls rival Kyriakos Mitsotakis to concede defeat

Voters in Greece have given Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ centre-right New Democracy party a resounding mandate to form a new government after it won by a landslide over the incumbent leftwing Syriza party, which has been in power since 2015.

As the outcome of Sunday’s general election became clear, the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, conceded defeat, calling Mitsotakis to congratulate him on his victory. The official handover of power will take place on Monday.

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Tsipras rallies faithful but Greece is set to reject his radical dream

Charismatic prime minister was once a hero of progressives but is likely to lose election after years of political compromise

In Syntagma Square, all the way from the grubby marble stairs opposite the Greek parliament down to the bottom of the plaza, people have gathered. Some are holding flags – the red, white and purple flags of Syriza, the once-radical leftist party whose leader they have come to hear.

Hip-hop thunders from giant speakers. The air is heavy and hot. An expectant crowd has been kept waiting for over an hour in temperatures turbocharged by massive spotlights. By the time Alexis Tsipras appears, many are sweating profusely. Still they roar their approval. The countdown has begun.

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Athens’ youngest mayor: I’m interested in real life, not utopias

Centrist Kostas Bakoyannis says his approach transcends divisions that have long defined Greece

The mayor-elect of Athens says he doesn’t believe in grand projects, nor does he “do utopias”. What he prefers to focus on is “real life” – and seeing it by walking and talking with almost everyone he meets.

It has paid off. After visiting 129 neighbourhoods across Athens since launching his campaign to become the capital’s youngest mayor, Kostas Bakoyannis, at 41, has been catapulted to the top office of City Hall with the widest margin of victory ever. With him comes a team of councillors that will be among the most politically diverse on record.

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Greek PM wins confidence vote after Macedonia name crisis

Alexis Tsipras secures majority as opposition claims deal with Skopje is ‘nationally damaging’

The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has won a confidence vote in parliament, clearing a major hurdle for Greece’s approval of an accord to end a dispute over Macedonia’s name and averting the prospect of a snap election.

Tsipras called the confidence motion after his rightwing coalition partner Panos Kammenos quit the government on Sunday in protest at the name deal signed between Athens and Skopje last year.

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