During a State of the Union panel discussion on the firestorm begun …

During a State of the Union panel discussion on the firestorm begun by President Donald Trump's bungled phone call to the widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger, CNN regular Bakari Sellers called out the president and his chief of staff for lying about how it was handled and not apologizing and moving on.

John Kasich Hints That He May Need To Leave The GOP

Kasich hints at leaving GOP if it's not 'fixed' - STORY HIGHLIGHTS - Washington Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday that a time could come when he no longer supports the Republican Party. - "If the party can't be fixed, Jake, then I'm not going to be able to support the party.

Feinstein ducks questions on re-election bid

Sen. Dianne Feinstein dodged questions Sunday on whether she is planning to mount a re-election run for a fifth term as a U.S. Senator in 2018. During an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," Feinstein, a former San Francisco mayor and the oldest U.S. Senator at age 84, quickly sidestepped a question about whether she was "up for another" six-year term.

Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer was a bad idea: Christie

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday that Donald Trump Jr's meeting with a Russian lawyer was a "bad idea" but he trusts Special Counsel Robert Mueller to give Team Trump a fair shake. "Bob Mueller is a good man, in my experience with dealing with him when he was director of the FBI and I was U.S. attorney," Christie told CNN's "State of the Union."

Prominent Democrat says Obama made ‘serious mistake’ over Russian meddling in election

Rep. Adam B. Schiff said in an interview that aired on Sunday that Barack Obama should have acted more forcefully when he learned about meddling by Russia into the 2016 general election. However, Schiff also criticized President Donald Trump for aiming criticism at the former president over the handling of the accusations.

The Latest: Fellow Republicans press Trump about tapes

The Latest on President Donald Trump and the investigation into his campaign's potential ties to Russia : Fellow Republicans are pressing President Donald Trump to come clean about whether he has tapes of private conversations with former FBI Director James Comey. And if he does, they want the president to hand them over to Congress or else possibly face a subpoena.

The Latest: Feinstein wants ‘all-hands-on-deck’ Trump probe

The Latest on President Donald Trump and the investigation into his campaign's potential ties to Russia : Most Democrats are being cautious about whether President Donald Trump might have obstructed justice in the Russia investigation and his dealings with fired FBI chief James Comey. Obstruction is a serious and complicated matter.

The Latest: Republican wants Trump tapes if they exist

The Latest on President Donald Trump and the investigation into his campaign's potential ties to Russia : A Republican senator is taking President Donald Trump to task for not clearing up a burning question: whether he has tape recordings of his conversations with his then-FBI Director James Comey. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine says Trump had a chance to settle the matter when he held a news conference Friday at the White House, but he didn't.

Congress returns for State of the Union, more

Lawmakers return to Congress this week for the president's State of the Union address and a House vote on the NAFCU-backed "SCRUB Act," both set for tomorrow. The "Searching for and Cutting Regulations that are Unnecessarily Burdensome Act" was reintroduced by Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo., this year after he first introduced it during the last Congress.

McCain sees Russia hacking as threat, at odds with Trump

This June 3, 2016, file photo shows Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., delivering his speech titled "America's Enduring Commitment to Security and Prosperity in Asia" at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies Distinguished Public Lecture in Singapore. McCain is joining Democrats in calling for a special select committee to investigate Russian interference in the U.S. election.

Comey in harsh spotlight of 2016 campaign

James Comey's revelation Friday that the bureau is reviewing newly discovered emails that might be linked to Hillary Clinton's private server made the FBI director's unusual actions the focus on Sunday news programs and on the campaign trail. The new emails were found weeks ago, law enforcement officials told CNN Sunday.

Giuliani: Trump No Longer Wants Mass Deportations

One of Donald Trump's top supporters insisted Sunday that the Republican nominee is backing away from one of his most controversial immigration proposals: mass deportations. In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union," former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Trump doesn't want to break up immigrant families in America.