The Latest: Rubio calls pick of new Cuba leader a ‘charade’

In this Jan. 25, 2018 file photo, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks with reporters as he leaves the office of Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who is moderating bipartisan negotiations on immigration, at the Capitol in Washington. When presidents gather on April 13, in Peru at the Summit of the Americas, they may be tempted to walk past Vice President Mike Pence and make a beeline for the person who has President Donald Trump's ear on Latin America: Sen. Marco Rubio.

Two Cubans found guilty of spying, sentenced to long prison terms by Castro military court

While the Circus was in full swing, two Cuban natives - one of whom is a U.S. citizen - were arrested in Castrogonia and charged with spying for the U.S. What was the nature of their spying? Unfortunately, there is no information and whatever secrets were being pried into will probably remain secret for a long time, maybe forever. Alina Lopez Miyares and her spouse, Felix Martin Milanes Fajardo, were sentenced to 13 and 17 years in prison, respectively, in a summary proceeding that took place on October 2, behind closed doors in a military court in the Marianao neighborhood of Havana.

Trump restores some travel, economic restrictions on Cuba

President Donald Trump declared Friday he was restoring some travel and economic restrictions on Cuba that were lifted as part of the Obama administration's historic easing. He challenged the communist government of Raul Castro to negotiate a better deal for Cubans and Cuban-Americans.

Cuban dissident to receive West New York ‘key to town’

WEST NEW YORK -- A well-known Cuban dissident will be in West New York on Friday to speak out against continued human rights abuses on the island despite the recent thaw in U.S. relations, and to be honored by one of the town's own outspoken critics of the island's authoritarian regime. The dissident, Marta Beatriz Roque Cabello , is a 72-year-old economist and longtime critic of Fidel Castro and his brother Raul.

Improved US-Cuban Economic Ties in Doubt when Trump Assumes US Presidency

U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman meets with Cuba's Minister of Foreign Trade Rodrigo Malmierca in Havana, Cuba, Oct. 7, 2016. The nascent growth in U.S. business ventures in Cuba is now in doubt, with uncertainty whether U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will carry out his campaign vow to undo President Barack Obama's diplomatic thaw with the communist island that ended five decades of hostilities between the two countries.

Dave Matthews Serenades Bankers as Tisch, Rohatyn Women Honored 2 hours ago

At a Lincoln Center gala that raised $3.1 million Tuesday night, Dave Matthews and Yissy Garcia, a woman drummer with a mohawk, played for Evercore Chief Executive Officer Ralph Schlosstein and Citigroup's head of corporate and investment banking, Raymond McGuire. Thank President Obama for giving the bankers the opportunity.