Costa Rica seizes two tons of cocaine from ‘low-profile’ boat

SAN JOSE: Law enforcement officials in Costa Rica said on Thursday they had recovered two tons of cocaine from a low-profile boat found about 80 nautical miles off the coast, one of the biggest drug confiscations made at sea. Costa Rican authorities said they began an operation in the Pacific Ocean after receiving a tip from the U.S. Coast Guard on Wednesday that resulted in the discovery of about 2,000 packets of cocaine of about 1 kg each.

Cuban dissidents: Castro dictatorship’s new constitution a ‘fraud’

A group of Cuban activists presented in Miami a code of rights and liberties to "educate" Cubans on the island, who will vote on a new Constitution proposal. Nora GA mez Torres el Nuevo Herald The accolades for the Castro dictatorship's proposed new communist constitution in Cuba from news media and "Cuba Experts" continue coming in.

Nicaragua violence escalates: Papal Nuncio, Bishops, and clergy…

On Monday, July 9, the violence was directed against the Nicaraguan clergy, who have been denouncing the Ortega dictatorship's violent repression of dissent. Meanwhile, Pope Francis , was quoted by a Nicaraguan bishop as saying he was "worried" about the crisis, and as having encouraged the bishops "to continue forward in accompanying the suffering people and continue the work of dialogue."

Landlords Have Until July 1 to Participate in FEMA Direct Lease Program

FEMA uses direct lease as a way to secure temporary lodging for residents whose homes were destroyed or severely damaged by last year's hurricanes. On St. Croix and St. Thomas, FEMA has a sufficient inventory of direct rentals to accommodate displaced hurricane survivors-but the situation is different on St. John where there is a shortage of rental units.

Reports from Cuba: Activist Iliana Hernandez detained 24 hours for…

The activist Iliana Hernandez, director of the independent television program Lente Cubano , was released Monday after being arrested at noon on May 20 outside her home in Cojimar, east of Havana, the dissident told 14ymedio . "I wrote a message on Facebook calling to celebrate the date on which the Republic of Cuba was founded," explains Hernandez, and State Security "thought I was going to organize something for that day."

Private jet from Texas crashes in Honduras, all passengers survive

A private jet travelling from Austin, Texas, crashed off the end of the runway of the Honduran capital's international airport and broke in half Tuesday, but the crew and passengers were rescued and reportedly out of danger. Video images posted online showed what appeared to be area residents pulling people out of the damaged fuselage of the white Gulfstream jet, while others sprayed it with hand-held fire extinguishers.

How Costa Rica Gets It Right

"Like citizens of a few other countries, Costa Ricans have made clear that inequality is a choice, and that public policies can ensure a greater degree of economic equality and equality of opportunity than the market alone would provide," Stiglitz writes. SAN JOSA< - With authoritarianism and proto-fascism on the rise in so many corners of the world, it is heartening to see a country where citizens are still deeply committed to democratic principles.

Trump tremors! – CARICOM jittery over Washington’s lack of engagement with the region

Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Minister Kamina Johnson Smith speaks with then United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the most senior member of the Trump administration to visit the island since Trump was elected US president. Johnson Smith is expected to lead Jamaica's delegation to the regional foreign ministers meeting in The Bahamas starting tomorrow.

Migrant caravan arrives at California’s doorstep, amid protests, cheers and questions

A group of immigrants from Central America, whose caravan north earned the ire of President Donald Trump and became a flash point in the roiling debate over illegal immigration, requested asylum at the California border Sunday in a scene marked by emotion and theater. As the boisterous gathering at the border fence in Playas de Tijuana grew to hundreds, some waved Honduran flags, called out chants and waved bouquets of yellow flowers.

Cuba’s leader pledges ‘continuity’

In his first hour as Cuba's new head of state, Miguel Diaz-Canel made clear that while Raul Castro is no longer president, the longtime Communist leader is still the power to be reckoned with in this island nation. "Raul ... will be key to the process of making the most important decisions on the future of the nation," Diaz-Canel, 57, said Thursday on the floor of Cuba's National Assembly after he was formally named the country's new head of state.

Raul Castro retires as Cuban president

Raul Castro turned over Cuba's presidency Thursday to a 57-year-old successor he said would hold power until 2031, a plan that would place the state the Castro brothers founded and ruled for 60 years in the hands of a Communist Party official little known to most on the island. Castro's 90-minute valedictory speech offered his first clear vision for the nation's future power str... Outgoing President Raul Castro raises his arms in celebration after Miguel Diaz-Canel was elected as the island nation's new president, at the National Assembly in Havana, Cuba.

The Latest: Rubio calls pick of new Cuba leader a ‘charade’

In this Jan. 25, 2018 file photo, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks with reporters as he leaves the office of Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who is moderating bipartisan negotiations on immigration, at the Capitol in Washington. When presidents gather on April 13, in Peru at the Summit of the Americas, they may be tempted to walk past Vice President Mike Pence and make a beeline for the person who has President Donald Trump's ear on Latin America: Sen. Marco Rubio.

JDF liaison officer for US Joint Task Force base in Florida

JAMAICA is to assign a senior officer of the Jamaica Defence Force to the Key West, Florida, home base of the Joint Interagency Task Force South, in order to improve communications between the US-led coast guard unit and the JDF. Chief of defence staff of the JDF, Major General Rocky Meade, told the Jamaica Observer that the event is significant, as it is symbolic of the relationship between the United States and its Caribbean partners in creating a network to fight the criminal networks in the region.