Nicaragua violence escalates: Papal Nuncio, Bishops, and clergy…

On Monday, July 9, the violence was directed against the Nicaraguan clergy, who have been denouncing the Ortega dictatorship's violent repression of dissent. Meanwhile, Pope Francis , was quoted by a Nicaraguan bishop as saying he was "worried" about the crisis, and as having encouraged the bishops "to continue forward in accompanying the suffering people and continue the work of dialogue."

White House considers Nicaragua sanctions for Venezuela links

The Venezuelan opposition met with members of Donald Trump's administration last week to urge the White House to sanction Nicaragua and a company whose joint venture they say is helping to prop up the government in Caracas, according to multiple sources familiar with the conversations. Five Venezuelan opposition party officials and activists met Thursday on Capitol Hill with U.S. State Department officials and staffers for the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs Committees.