Cuban dissidents: Castro dictatorship’s new constitution a ‘fraud’

A group of Cuban activists presented in Miami a code of rights and liberties to "educate" Cubans on the island, who will vote on a new Constitution proposal. Nora GA mez Torres el Nuevo Herald The accolades for the Castro dictatorship's proposed new communist constitution in Cuba from news media and "Cuba Experts" continue coming in.

Ap Photos: Editor selections from Latin America, Caribbean

In this Friday, 20, 2018 photo, Adalicia Montecinos holds her 1-year-old son Johan, who became a poster child for the U.S. policy of separating immigrants and their children, the day there were reunited, at a restaurant in Yojoa, Honduras. Captured by Border Patrol agents in March, Johan's father was deported and the then 10-month-old remained at an Arizona shelter.

Reports from Cuba: Activist Iliana Hernandez detained 24 hours for…

The activist Iliana Hernandez, director of the independent television program Lente Cubano , was released Monday after being arrested at noon on May 20 outside her home in Cojimar, east of Havana, the dissident told 14ymedio . "I wrote a message on Facebook calling to celebrate the date on which the Republic of Cuba was founded," explains Hernandez, and State Security "thought I was going to organize something for that day."

Reports from Cuba: Cuban festival in Washington: One more victory for Castroism

Omara Portuondo, Ballet Nacional, Pablo MilanA s, HaydA e MilanA s, Los Van Van , Teatro El PAoblico , Aldo LA3pez GavilA n, Jorge Luis Pacheco, Orquesta FaA lde , T eatro El PAoblico , Orquesta del Liceo de La Habana a The top drawer talent went to Cuba, to the Kennedy Center, to the Artes de Cuba festival. The best and most reliable, the ones who can be trusted to not defect or say something inappropriate-because it would not be to their advantage to do so.

Guest Blog: CFI’s Remorse

Fourteen aviation organizations including AOPA, EAA and GAMA are asking the FAA to reconsider its position on not allowing pilots access... U.S. Customs and Border Protection is testing out a program that will allow seaplane pilots to clear customs via its Reporting... The face of aviation training is changing and one of the places where the effects can be seen is in how many and what kinds of new... One-G's Access program gives those who want or need a sophisticated flight simulator access to one without an upfront capital outlay. Yes, there's a shortage of pilots, but also of instructors to teach new ones.

Cuba’s leader pledges ‘continuity’

In his first hour as Cuba's new head of state, Miguel Diaz-Canel made clear that while Raul Castro is no longer president, the longtime Communist leader is still the power to be reckoned with in this island nation. "Raul ... will be key to the process of making the most important decisions on the future of the nation," Diaz-Canel, 57, said Thursday on the floor of Cuba's National Assembly after he was formally named the country's new head of state.

Raul Castro retires as Cuban president

Raul Castro turned over Cuba's presidency Thursday to a 57-year-old successor he said would hold power until 2031, a plan that would place the state the Castro brothers founded and ruled for 60 years in the hands of a Communist Party official little known to most on the island. Castro's 90-minute valedictory speech offered his first clear vision for the nation's future power str... Outgoing President Raul Castro raises his arms in celebration after Miguel Diaz-Canel was elected as the island nation's new president, at the National Assembly in Havana, Cuba.

Rubio Convinced Cubans Knew About Attacks on Americans

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said Tuesday he's convinced the Cubans had some knowledge of the mysterious attacks on American diplomats stationed there that led to myriad health problems. The Department of State recalled much of its Cuban embassy staff last fall because of the incidents, which officials said could have been sonic attacks.

US senator says no evidence of ‘sonic attacks’ in Cuba

Republican Sen. Jeff Flake says the U.S. has found no evidence that American diplomats in Havana were the victims of attacks with an unknown weapon. Flake, a Senate Foreign Relations Committee member and a longtime leading advocate of detente with Cuba, met Friday with high-ranking Cuban officials including Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and officials from the Interior Ministry, which oversees domestic security and works with foreign law-enforcement agencies.

EU foreign policy chief says ‘blockade’ of Cuba not solution

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini toured the historic center of Havana accompanied by city historian Eusebio Leal Spengler and the EU ambassador to Cuba Alberto Navarro in Havana, Cuba, 3 January 2018. [Alejandro Ernesto/EPA/EFE] Blockading Cuba is not the solution, the European Union's foreign policy chief said yesterday on a trip aimed at strengthening ties with Havana, after Washington tightened restrictions on the island.

Cuba warns U.S. of negative impact of new restrictions

Cuba on Monday expressed "deep concern" over the negative impact the decisions adopted by Washington earlier this year could have on immigration relations between the two countries, calling them "unilateral, unfounded and politically motivated." A press release issued by the Cuban Foreign Ministry after a new round of migration talks held by the two countries in Washington on Monday expressed concern over the diplomatic spat that led to the reduction of personnel at the U.S. embassy in Havana The Cuban delegation warned about the negative effect of the suspension of visas by the U.S. mission in Havana.

US makes it more difficult to travel to Cuba, blacklists many large military-run businesses

Americans seeking to visit Cuba must navigate a complicated maze of travel, commerce and financial restrictions unveiled Wednesday by the Trump administration, part of a new policy to further isolate the island's communist government. Now off-limits to U.S. citizens are dozens of Cuban hotels, shops, tour companies and other businesses included on a lengthy American blacklist of entities that have links to Cuba's military, intelligence or security services.

White House implements new Cuba policy restricting travel, trade

President Donald Trump signs his new Cuba policy at the Manuel Artime Theateron June 16, 2017 in Miami, where he unveiled the changes he's making to the Obama-era policies toward Cuba. The Trump administration Wednesday announced tight new restrictions on American travel and commercial exchanges with Cuba, implementing a policy announced by President Donald Trump five months ago to reverse Obama administration normalization with the Communist-ruled island.

Cuban Minister rejects US sonic attack claims

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla said today that the United States has provided no evidence for its claims that US diplomats in Havana have come under deliberate sonic attack, and raised the question of whether the Trump administration is using the diplomats' injuries to unwind recent progress in creating closer ties. "There is no evidence, there is no evidence whatsoever, of the occurrence of the alleged incidents or the cause or origin of these ailments reported by US diplomats," Rodriguez Parrilla said today in Washington.

Two Cubans found guilty of spying, sentenced to long prison terms by Castro military court

While the Circus was in full swing, two Cuban natives - one of whom is a U.S. citizen - were arrested in Castrogonia and charged with spying for the U.S. What was the nature of their spying? Unfortunately, there is no information and whatever secrets were being pried into will probably remain secret for a long time, maybe forever. Alina Lopez Miyares and her spouse, Felix Martin Milanes Fajardo, were sentenced to 13 and 17 years in prison, respectively, in a summary proceeding that took place on October 2, behind closed doors in a military court in the Marianao neighborhood of Havana.

FILE – In this Aug. 14, 2015, file photo, a U.S. flag flies at the…

AP obtains a recording of what some U.S. embassy workers heard in Havana as they were attacked by what investigators initially believed was a sonic weapon. The recording of a high-pitched noise is one of many taken in Cuba since attacks started.