Ap Photos: Editor selections from Latin America, Caribbean

In this Friday, 20, 2018 photo, Adalicia Montecinos holds her 1-year-old son Johan, who became a poster child for the U.S. policy of separating immigrants and their children, the day there were reunited, at a restaurant in Yojoa, Honduras. Captured by Border Patrol agents in March, Johan's father was deported and the then 10-month-old remained at an Arizona shelter.

How Trump’s Election Shook Obama: ‘What if We Were Wrong?’

Riding in a motorcade in Lima, Peru, shortly after the 2016 election, President Barack Obama was struggling to understand Donald J. Trump's victory. He had read a column asserting that liberals had forgotten how important identity was to people and had promoted an empty cosmopolitan globalism that made many feel left behind.

This day in history, April 28, 2018

In 1789, there was a mutiny on the HMS Bounty as rebelling crew members of the British ship, led by Fletcher Christian, set the captain, William Bligh, and 18 others adrift in a launch in the South Pacific. In 1918, Gavrilo Princip, 23, the assassin of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the archduke's wife, Sophie, died in prison of tuberculosis.

Chinese ambassador warns U.S. not to drag Latam into trade dispute

China's ambassador to Peru warned on Wednesday that it would be disrespectful for the United States to drag Latin America into its trade dispute with Beijing, but told Reuters a potential trade war between the world's top two economies could bolster the region's exports. Jia Guide, China's ambassador to Peru, speaks during an interview with Reuters at the Chinese embassy in Lima, Peru April 11, 2018.

Brexit and Trump won’t torpedo Asian cooperation

Participants at this month's Apec summit in Lima agreed that continuing pursuit of the proposed Free Trade Area for Asia and the Pacific should be a priority. photo: REUTERS Despite growing anti-globalisation sentiment reflected in the Brexit vote, and Donald Trump's vow to pull the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership the moment he assumes the presidency, Asia Pacific countries are pressing ahead with many other regional plans.

Obama says he ll speak out againstTrump if he thinks US ideals are at risk

Obama says heA ll speak out against Trump if he thinks US ideals are at risk Associated Press, by Staff LIMA, Peru - President Barack Obama said Sunday he doesnA t intend to become his successorA s constant critic -- but reserved the right to speak out if President-elect Donald Trump or his policies breach certain "values or ideals." Offering a rare glimpse into his thoughts on his post-presidency, Obama suggested once he was out of office he would uphold the tradition of ex-presidents stepping aside quietly to allow their successors space to govern.

AP Analysis: Obama exudes calm about Trump as Democrats fret

President Barack Obama gestures while making remarks during his news conference at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in Lima, Peru, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016. President Barack Obama gestures while making remarks during his news conference at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in Lima, Peru, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016.

Asia summit closes with calls for free trade

Asia summit closes with calls for free trade 21 Asia-Pacific nations agree to work toward pact despite skepticism underscored by Trump win Check out this story on USATODAY.com: http://usat.ly/2gbf9fR U.S. President Barack Obama, right, walks past China's President Xi Jinping, left, at the opening session of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in Lima, Peru, Sunday. LIMA, Peru - Leaders of 21 Asia-Pacific nations ended their annual summit Sunday with a call to resist protectionism amid signs of increased free-trade skepticism, highlighted by the victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election.

Obama to meet Australia, Canada leaders before return to U.S.

President Barack Obama is holding separate meetings with the leaders of Australia and Canada before he wraps up the final foreign trip of his presidency. He'll meet Sunday with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in between other sessions with world leaders attending an annual Asia-Pacific summit being held in Lima, Peru.

Obama to meet Australia, Canada leaders before return to US

President Barack Obama planned separate talks with the leaders of Australia and Canada before wrapping up the final foreign trip of his presidency. U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a meeting with China's President Xi Jingping during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in Lima, Peru, Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016.

Xi says US-China ties at ‘hinge moment’

Presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jinping met for the final time Saturday, with the Chinese leader warning of a "hinge moment" in relations after Donald Trump's election. "I hope the two sides will work together to focus on cooperation, manage our differences, and make sure there is a smooth transition in the relationship and that it will continue to grow going forward," Xi said at the start of their last meeting together in Lima, Peru where they are attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.

Obama to reassure leaders in Peru on successor’s presidency

Obama traveled to South America to attend the annual Asi... . President Barack Obama boards Air Force One during a refueling stop at Lajes Field, Azores on the island of Terceira, Friday, Nov. 18, 2016.