Bernie Sanders denounces Russia’s reported efforts to aid his campaign – live

Frontrunner condemns interference and says: ‘Unlike Trump, I do not consider Vladimir Putin a good friend. He is an autocratic thug’

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US officials told Bernie Sanders that the Russian government is working to help him secure the Democratic nomination, the Washington Post reported Friday.

And new reports are emerging that Sanders knew a month ago about the interference. Asked why the news is only coming out now, Sanders pointed to the Nevada caucuses and suggested media was to blame.

Sanders tells reporters he learned about Russian interference in his campaign about a month ago.

But asked why it came out now, Sanders points to the fact that the NV caucuses are a day away. And adds sarcastically, "Washington Post? Good friends."

That’s it from me today. My west coast colleague, Mario Koran, will take over the blog for the next few hours.

Here’s where the day stands so far:

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House members reportedly told Russia is working to get Trump re-elected – as it happened

  • President ‘berated’ intelligence chief over briefing – New York Times
  • Roger Stone asks for Trump pardon after 40-month sentence
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It was another evening of late-breaking news. Here’s a summary as our live politics coverage ends for the night:

Elizabeth Warren is not done with her demans that Michael Bloomberg, billionaire former New York mayor and late entrant into the 2020 Democratic primary, release former employees who have brought lawsuits against Bloomberg and his company from their nondisclosure agreements.

The goal, Warren has said: allowing women to talk candidly about the behavior that prompted the lawsuits, and ensuring transparency in the primary.

Elizabeth Warren opens her CNN town hall by saying she brought something with her -- a contract she wrote up that she says would release former Bloomberg employees from NDAs.

"I used to teach contract law... All he has to do is sign it. I’ll text it."

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Democratic rivals attack Bloomberg in punishing debate debut – video

Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg fiercely attacked Mike Bloomberg on his first Democratic debate appearance.

Senator Warren led the assault, challenging the former New York mayor to release women at his company from non-disclosure agreements they signed while settling lawsuits. Bloomberg defended his record, saying: 'In my company, lots and lots of women have big responsibilities.'

Here are the key clashes from the ninth Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas

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Bloomberg roundly attacked by rivals in fiercest Democratic debate so far

  • Billionaire’s record on policing and discrimination condemned
  • Centrists Buttigieg and Klobuchar rip into each other
  • Warren gives spirited display and likens Bloomberg to Trump

The top six Democratic presidential candidates faced off in Las Vegas on Wednesday in the most combative debate of the election and days before the high-stakes caucuses in Nevada.

It was the first debate for Mike Bloomberg, and the former New York mayor’s rivals in the Democratic race for president immediately took aim – attacking him for his legacy on racist policing and reports of sexist comments and discrimination at his companies.

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Mike Bloomberg’s Democratic opponents target him ahead of debate – live

The White House said that Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron spoke over the phone yesterday.

“The two leaders discussed the importance of NATO, French and United States counterterrorism efforts in the Sahel, and other bilateral issues,” the readout says.

Bernie Sanders may also be asked about this during tonight’s debate: the Atlantic is reporting that the Vermont senator considered challenging Barack Obama for the 2012 Democratic nomination.

The Atlantic reports:

Bernie Sanders got so close to running a primary challenge to President Barack Obama that Senator Harry Reid had to intervene to stop him.

It took Reid two conversations over the summer of 2011 to get Sanders to scrap the idea, according to multiple people who remember the incident, which has not been previously reported.

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Trump seems to call for new Roger Stone trial – live updates

  • Billionaire Bloomberg will face opponents on debate stage in Las Vegas
  • Democratic rules were changed, opening door to former NY mayor’s participation
  • Bloomberg facing criticism over past policies and alleged comments
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The good polling news for Michael Bloomberg just keeps on coming this morning.

A new poll from Oklahoma, which will also hold its primary on Super Tuesday, shows Bloomberg leading the field with 20%.

In addition to qualifying for the next Democratic debate, Michael Bloomberg also got some good news from a Virginia poll out this morning.

According to the Monmouth University survey, Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders are tied among likely voters in Virginia, which will hold its primary on Super Tuesday.

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Queer activists escorted out of Pete Buttigieg event in San Francisco – video

Queer activists were met with chants of ‘Boot-Edge-Edge’ after they disrupted a private fundraiser for Pete Buttigieg in San Francisco on Friday evening. The activists, escorted out of the event, reflected unease among the LBGTQ+ community over the Buttigieg campaign

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Extreme alarm as prosecutors resign after Trump intervention in Stone case – live

  • Ex-DoJ officials and watchdogs warn of ‘five-alarm fire in our democracy’
  • Trump congratulates Barr for ‘taking charge’ in case
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Trump: congratulations William Barr on following the order I tweeted to 72m people.

Congratulations to Attorney General Bill Barr for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought. Evidence now clearly shows that the Mueller Scam was improperly brought & tainted. Even Bob Mueller lied to Congress!

GOP Sen. John Kennedy said Trump’s tweets about Stone were “problematic” but he also told us he’s seen “no evidence” that Trump improperly interfered and thought it was simply lack of coordination on sentencing. He wouldn’t comment directly when I asked if Barr should testify

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer on Tuesday asked the inspector general of the justice department to investigate the Stone sentencing recommendation reversal.

This morning on the Senate floor, Schumer called on the chair of the judiciary committee, Republican Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, to convene hearings on the matter. Graham, a staunch ally of the president who has lately been focused on the need to investigate Hunter Biden’s conduct in Ukraine, is not likely to do that.

The president ran against the swamp in Washington, a place that is rigged by the powerful to benefit them personally. I ask my fellow Americans, what is more swampy, what is more fetid, what is more stinking than the most powerful person in the country literally changing the rules to benefit a crony guilty of breaking the law?”

NEW: Chuck Schumer calls on Lindsey Graham "to convene an emergency conduct oversight and hold hearings" following DOJ reversal on Stone sentencing recommendation.

"That's the the job of the Judiciary Committee, no matter who's president."

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For Democrats, it’s Bernie Sanders v centrists as race still unsettled

The Vermont senator claimed a ‘great victory’ on Tuesday night – but he was trailed closely by a pair of midwestern moderates

After the Iowa caucuses failed to produce a clear winner last week, the results of the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday night helped crystalize the presidential primary - only insomuch as it appears to be a fiercely contested battle between Bernie Sanders and any candidate who can stop him.

From a sports arena in Manchester on Tuesday night, the Vermont senator and self-declared democratic socialist claimed “a great victory” and declared the “beginning of the end of Donald Trump”, while his rivals sought to convince Democrats nervous about a Sanders nomination that they were the most viable alternative.

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New Hampshire primary: most polls close with Sanders favorite to win – live

  • Most polls now closed but some places open for another hour
  • Sanders leads with Buttigieg trailing, and Klobuchar on the up
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Tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang, who has signaled in recent days that the future of his candidacy depends on the results in New Hampshire, thanked his supporters as most of the state’s polls closed.

I am so proud of this campaign. Thank you to everyone who got us here.

It is 7 pm ET, so most New Hampshire polls have now closed, although a few polling locations will remain open for another hour.

Depending on the results, it could be a relatively early night -- especially in comparison to the days-long debacle that was the reporting of results for the Iowa caucuses.

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Buttigieg v Sanders: Democrats gaining frontrunner status as ‘polar opposites’

A day ahead of the New Hampshire primary, Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders remain on a collision course.

Related: Sheldon Adelson to donate $100m to Trump and Republicans, fundraisers say

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Sanders and Buttigieg campaigns request partial recanvass of Iowa caucuses – as it happened

The rallies still rage in New Hampshire tonight, but that’s it from us. Stay tuned for more news from our stellar politics team, who will have updates.

At the Trump rally in Manchester, a familiar chant has appeared to have turned on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

New Hampshire crowd chants "Lock her up!" after President Trump alluded to Nancy Pelosi "mumbling terribly behind me" during the State of the Union.

"There was a little anger back there," he said. "We're the ones who should be angry, not them."

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Democrats step up attacks against each other as New Hampshire primary looms

Sanders maintains lead over other candidates, according to CNN poll, while Biden under pressure to revive campaign

Leading Democratic presidential candidates have stepped up attacks against each other ahead of the New Hampshire primary, with Joe Biden saying Bernie Sanders’ democratic socialism would turn off voters in moderate states in a general election against Donald Trump.

Sanders has maintained his lead over the other 10 candidates going into Tuesday’s vote, according to a CNN poll released on Sunday, with former mayor Pete Buttigieg in second, Biden in third and the Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren in fourth.

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Democratic debate: candidates clash on healthcare and race – video highlights

Democratic presidential candidates clashed in a televised debate in New Hampshire on Friday night at the end of a week dominated by the Iowa caucuses chaos and Donald Trump's acquittal.

Attacks were focused against Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders, the two candidates who declared victory in Iowa, as the hottest topics discussed were healthcare and race

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Democratic candidates zero in on Buttigieg and Sanders at tense debate

Competing visions for the party were on display as moderate candidates challenged progressives ahead of New Hampshire primary

Democratic presidential candidates clashed on Friday night in a tense televised debate that was dominated by attacks against Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders, the two candidates who declared victory after the Iowa caucuses.

In the week that Donald Trump was acquitted in his impeachment trial and days ahead of the New Hampshire primary, the competing visions for the Democratic party were on show as moderate candidates challenged the progressives, and those with more Washington experience called out the relative political newcomers.

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Iowa caucus remains too close to call with 100% of precincts reporting

DNC chair Tom Perez calls for ‘immediate recanvass’ of tally as Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders vie for victory

Pete Buttigieg expressed confidence over the Iowa caucus results on Thursday after days of chaotic vote tallying, even as the head of the Democratic National Party called on the state to “recanvass” the votes.

Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders have remained neck-and-neck for most of the week, and the Associated Press declared on Thursday evening that the race was still too close to call.

With 100% of precincts reporting, the pair were locked in a virtual tie. Buttigieg, leading by just 1.5 state delegate equivalents, had an advantage of about .1 percentage points.

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Trump responds to impeachment acquittal with rambling, vitriolic speech – as it happened

  • Trump speaks at White House for first time since acquittal
  • Report shows Iowa caucus results ‘riddled with inconsistencies’
  • Buttigieg lead over Sanders narrowing in Iowa results
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Related: Trump unleashed: what's next for a president who feels invincible?

Both Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders have claimed victory in Iowa, even as technical delays and reporting issues have prolonged the delay in tallying the Democratic caucus votes. Sanders has touted his raw vote tally; Buttigieg holds a narrow lead in the number of state delegate equivalents he’s amassed.

Both candidates will be speaking tonight in a CNN town hall ahead of the New Hampshire primary contest next week. Deval Patrick and Amy Klobuchar will be participating as well, answering questions from supporters and network hosts.

Related: Sanders and Buttigieg nearly tied in Iowa amid new claims of counting errors

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US politics: Buttigieg leads in Iowa as Senate prepares to acquit Trump – live coverage

  • Buttigieg just ahead of Sanders as Iowa votes trickle in
  • Pelosi rips up copy of Trump State of the Union speech
  • Only one Republican senator likely to vote to convict Trump
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Pete Buttigieg threw everything into winning the Iowa Democratic caucuses and – with 71% of the vote in following Monday’s results debacle – his gamble may well have paid off.

If so, the former mayor of tiny South Bend, Indiana, may look back on this moment as the peak of his political career, or the start of a long, hard slog that could take him all the way to the White House.

Hello and welcome to another big day in American politics.

It’s fair to see Donald Trump is probably having a pretty good week. Last night he got 80 minutes to make his case for a second term on primetime TV with his State of the Union address, as the Democrats continued to struggle to publish results from their first primary contest on Iowa on Monday.

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Sanders on Buttigieg: ‘I don’t know how anyone claims victory without results’ – video

Bernie Sanders has questioned the move by Democratic rival Pete Buttigeig to declare victory in the Iowa caucus. The voting has been marred by a technical error that has led to a delay in releasing the results

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Iowa Democrats apologise for caucus counting problems – video

The Democratic party in Iowa has apologised after it failed to reveal results from the Iowa caucuses. The system for reporting the votes failed to function, while a back-up telephone line also jammed, leading to no declaration of a winner despite the campaign moving on to New Hampshire

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