GOP Congressman Met in Moscow With Kremlin-Linked Lawyer at Center of Russia Investigation

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met with the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya during a 2016 trip to Moscow, a previously undisclosed tAate-A -tAate that sheds additional light on the extent to which Moscow-based political operatives sought to influence American officials in the run-up to last year's presidential election. with a pro-Russian Crimean news service, Veselnitskaya said she met with Rohrabacher - a California Republican and arguably the most prominent advocate in Congress for closer relations between Washington and Moscow - in April 2016 to discuss issues surrounding the Magnitsky Act, the punitive American sanctions measure responding to Russian human rights abuses that she has lobbied against.

Unlike first, second debate won’t set viewership record

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton listens to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton listens to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016.

NBC suspends Billy Bush for role on Trump tape

26, 2016 photo released by NBC, co-host Billy Bush appears on the "Today" show in New York. Bush says he's "embarrassed and ashamed" by a 2005 conversation he had with Donald Trump in which Trump made lewd comme... Damaged but defiant, Donald Trump is limping toward the critical presidential debate against Hillary Clinton absent the backing of a growing group of Republican leaders.

New Balance Close to Win in Buy-America Foot Race for Military

New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc. is close to winning an almost decade-long marathon: A buy-American provision in the massive defense policy bill the Senate will debate this week could force the Pentagon to purchase the company's sneakers for new military recruits. Currently, the Pentagon issues about $15 million in vouchers a year, covering 225,000 to 250,000 pairs of athletic shoes, New Balance estimates.