OPINION: $44 Tolls Are Just The Start For Virginia Roads

Virginia politicians are feigning outrage over the $44 toll imposed on the short, one-way morning drive into Washington, DC on Interstate 66. The nation's latest high occupancy toll lane project opened earlier this month with eye-popping fees for single occupancy drivers on their way to work. Complaints about the exorbitant charges miss a far more important point.

Warner calls for McFarland to testify

Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner said on CNN's "State of the Union" that KT McFarland, a former Trump transition official and deputy national security adviser, needs to provide testimony to Congress and special counsel Robert Mueller. "Ms. McFarland needs to come in, and not just testify in front of Mueller, but testify in front of the congressional committees," Warner said Sunday.

Virginia Board Of Elections Delays Certification Of House Races

Virginia's Board of Elections voted on Monday to delay the certification of two state-level House races as the national political atmosphere continues to boil over in scandal after scandal. The board voted unanimously after claims surfaced regarding voters receiving the wrong ballots, which could sway the 28th District's election that will help determine control over the state legislature.

COLUMN: Nat’l GOP: Thank Virginia Voters for wake-up call

DEMOCRATS across the nation, ecstatic at their party's landslide win in the recent Virginia election, are eagerly thanking the state's voters for thoroughly repudiating Trumpism. Virginia voters spoke loud and clear in giving the largest Democratic margin of victory in a gubernatorial campaign here since 1985.

GOP sees political fortunes rise and fall with tax cuts

In this Nov. 8, 2017, photo, from left, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., speak informally on tax reform and the elections with reporters in the Senate Press Gallery at the Capitol in Washington. It's an article of faith among Republicans that the GOP's electoral fortunes next year hinge on whether they succeed in their longstanding dream to redraft the nation's complex, inefficient tax code.

Sanders: Election ‘a referendum on the disastrous Trump administration’

Former presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday said Democrats' victories in Tuesday's elections were a reaction to President Donald Trump's presidency. "Yesterday's elections were really a referendum on the disastrous Trump administration, on his temperament, on his reactionary policies," said Sanders, speaking with Anderson Cooper.

New Virginia governor: Win sends message against hatred

Seizing his party's first major Trump-era victory, Democrat Ralph Northam beat back a charge from Republican Ed Gillespie in the race for Virginia governor, a bruising election that tested the power of President Donald Trump's fiery nationalism against the energy of the Trump resistance. "I think what this message was yesterday that Virginia sent not only to this country, but to this world, is that the divisiveness, the hatred, the bigotry, the politics that is tearing this country apart, that's not the United States of America that people love," Northam said Wednesday at a news conference at Virginia's Capitol.

Virginia voter suppression tweets targets Democrats

A Twitter account misleading Democratic voters in Virginia by telling them they could cast their ballot by text message was active for almost three hours on Tuesday morning before Twitter suspended the account. The account, "MAGA Mike King," was suspended after it tweeted more than a dozen times a graphic purportedly instructing Virginians on how to vote by text and including the logos of the Democratic Party and its gubernatorial candidate, Ralph Northam.

Democrat Northam defeats Gillespie in race for Virginia governor closely watched by national parties

Republican candidate for the governor of Virginia, Ed Gillespie arrives to vote at Washington Mill Elementary School in Alexandria, Va. Mohan Shrestha, a new U.S. citizen originally from Nepal, takes his ballot to vote for the first time in an election at Hillsboro Old Stone School in Purcellville, Va.

Trump tweets that failed Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate “did not embrace me”

President Donald Trump on Tuesday quickly sought to distance himself from Republican gubernatorial hopeful Ed Gillespie in the Virginia governor's race as Democrat Ralph Northam was projected to win by multiple news outlets. "Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for," Trump said on Twitter in the midst of his visit to South Korea, as Virginia results continued to roll in, suggesting a comfortable Northam victory.

Chuck Todd Acts Tough With DNC Chair Perez, Then Lets Non-Answer Slide

One of the more annoying doubles standards displayed by the left-leaning press is how they ask genuine follow-up questions of Republicans and conservatives who try to dodge their questions, while letting Democrats and liberals slide when they engage in similar behavior. A perfect example of this occurred Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press , when, prompted by a Latino Victory Fund ad portraying supporters of Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie as murderous, Confederate flag-waving.

Sen. Kaine Refuses To Comment On Virginia Church’s Decision To Remove Washington Plaque

Virginia Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine ran away from The Daily Caller Tuesday when asked about his thoughts on the decision of a local church in Alexandria to remove plaques honoring President George Washington, a founder and parishioner of the historic church. Kaine told TheDC he would not answer the question, as he was on his way to deliver a floor speech on war powers.

The business community looks to Washington and Richmond for answers

"I can't really think of the last time I've been in a client meeting over the past six months where they haven't asked me what I think that Congress is going to do with tax reform," says Stephen Kimberlin, a CPA who is senior tax manager at Dixon Hughes Goodman in Richmond. "It goes hand-in-hand.