Ex-chief at Genoa bridge firm says he knew about risk of collapse

Gianni Mion said issue with Morandi Bridge was raised in 2010, eight years before tragedy in which 43 died

Relatives of the 43 people killed in Genoa’s Morandi Bridge disaster expressed their dismay after a former executive at the motorways company responsible for the viaduct admitted to knowing it was at risk of collapse years before the incident and did nothing about it.

Gianni Mion made the confession while being questioned as a witness in the trial of 59 people over the 2018 tragedy at the court of Genoa. He told the court he had been aware of the danger associated with the bridge since 2010, when the issue was discussed during a meeting of officials at Autostrade per l’Italia (ASPI), the company that manages Italy’s toll motorways, and SPEA, its maintenance unit.

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How a poet’s son is reclaiming Genoa from Italy’s tainted elite

As Liguria prepares for next week’s regional elections, an unlikely candidate has energised the fight against the far right

A procession of about 100 people, most of them young, departs from the church of San Martino di Struppa, up a track into the mountains around Genoa. Above, every shade of green; below, the port and the sea, like an aqueous mirror reflecting the blue sky.

There’s history on these steep slopes, and that is why these people are here: the ancient paths were used by partisans during the war, and when they blew up a bridge, severing German troops from their supply lines, the priest of San Martino, Don Andrea Ricchini, was taken to Auschwitz in reprisal. He survived, and – after a funeral had been held, in absentia – returned to serve the parish for 30 more years.

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New Genoa bridge reopens, two years after deadly collapse – video report

Two years after part of Genoa's Morandi motorway bridge collapsed, killing 43 people, a new structure was opened in its place on Monday. The new Genoa San Giorgio bridge, designed by Renzo Piano, was inaugurated in a ceremony that included a flyover and was attended by the president, Sergio Mattarella, and the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, who called the new structure the result of 'Italian genius'. The celebrations have been criticised by victims' families who declined to attend but had a private meeting with Mattarella beforehand

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Genoa bridge collapse: relatives criticise inauguration ‘celebration’

New bridge, named Genoa San Giorgio, replaces Morandi bridge that collapsed in 2018

A band played Italy’s national anthem before the names of the 43 people killed in the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa in 2018 were read aloud as the replacement bridge was inaugurated on Monday evening.

The reading was followed by a minute of silence during a ceremony attended by president Sergio Mattarella, prime minister Giuseppe Conte, and Renzo Piano, the Genoa-born architect who donated his design for the new bridge, named Genoa San Giorgio.

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Completion of new Genoa bridge seen as symbol of hope in Italy

Opening hailed but offers little comfort to families of Morandi bridge collapse victims

On the 14th day of each month, the relatives of some of those who died in the collapse of Genoa’s Morandi bridge tie flowers to railings close to the site of the disaster.

“We live in different places and so haven’t always managed to get there every month,” said Egle Possetti, whose sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew were among the 43 killed on 14 August 2018. “But there’s a woman in Genoa who brings flowers on behalf of all of us.”

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