Pregnant man and multiracial-handshake emojis approved for launch

Additional emojis will complete Unicode’s drive to offer more variety and gender-neutral options

A pregnant man, a multiracial handshake and a face that cannot bear to watch are some of the emojis that will hit devices over the next year, according to a draft list published by the Unicode Consortium, which approves icons for use.

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Syringes and a flaming heart: iPhone reveals more than 200 new emojis

Options for couples with different skin tones and a bearded man or woman also part of iOS 14.5

More than 200 new emojis will arrive on iPhones with the release of the next operating system update, including a vaccine-ready syringe, a flaming heart and a vast array of options for couples with different skin tones.

The emojis will arrive as part of iOS 14.5, expected to hit iPhones within the next month. The changes, collated from beta versions by Jeremy Burge, the founder and “Chief Emoji Officer” of Emojipedia, are a mixture of all-new creations, modifications to existing emojis, and a few updates unique to Apple’s platform.

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Covid-19’s unlikely victim: new emojis

The pandemic has forced the Unicode Consortium to delay new emojis in 2021 – but remixes of existing ones could be on their way

Covid-19 has taken so much from us, but now it’s come for our emojis too.

Related: Coronavirus US live: Trump claims to take hydroxychloroquine and threatens to withdraw US from WHO

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Campaign group in Finland crowdsource for ‘forgiveness’ emoji

Ideas for emoji include vine of leaves on heart and people clasping hands

To err is human, it is said, to forgive divine. And soon that noblest of human qualities will be available in emoji form, following a global effort to find the most appropriate icon.

A coalition of charitable and peace-building organisations in Finland are leading the quest to crowdsource an emoji to be added to the thousands available to smartphone users.

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