What today’s fascists don’t understand

Howard Dean thinks "hate speech" is not protected by the First Amendment. A New York University professor was given space in the New York Times to deride the idea of "a blanket permission to say anything anybody thinks" and to defend protestors who, using violence, shut down a speech that was to be delivered recently by Charles Murray, the social scientist.

‘The Idea That People Are Going to Debate Their Ideas Is Outrageous’

Thursday night, there was a near-riot at New York University when self-declared "anti-fascists" disrupted an event with Gavin McInnes hosted by the College Republicans . Although it was not as violent as the riot Wednesday in Berkeley that shut down Milo Yiannopoulos's speech , the NYU event highlighted just how extreme the Left has become.

For most Americans, Dow 20,000 carries little benefit

While Wall Street celebrates yet another stock market record - surpassing 20,000 on the Dow Jones industrial average - many Americans have little reason to cheer. Despite the spread of 401 retirement plans, the wealthiest 10 percent of households own roughly 80 percent of stock market wealth.

Universities boost stipends ahead of ruling on grad unions

Several private universities are boosting stipends and benefits ahead of a federal ruling that could clear the way for graduate students to form unions. To some grad students, it's an attempt to persuade them that they don't need collective bargaining to get a raise.

NYU has come to a decision about fossil fuel divestment

America's colleges and universities have been under significant pressure from their special snowflake students to clean up their act in terms of endowments and where they invest their money. The current trend in this area seems to be toward divesting from any funds benefiting Israel, but before that movement became the flavor of the day, protesters were already demanding divestment from nasty old fossil fuels.