Women running for office at record levels in New York

Registration will allow you to post comments on timesunion.com and create a timesunion.com Subscriber Portal account for you to manage subscriptions and email preferences. New Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh, center, at her desk on the floor of the NYS Assembly as the 2017 session of the NYS Legislature begins Wednesday Jan. 4, 2017 in Albany, NY.

Court’s ruling hits teachers unions, but how hard is unclear

Teachers unions are hoping that recent grass-roots protests over pay and working conditions will blunt the impact of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on union fees and help persuade dues-paying members not to abandon them. The court said in a 5-4 ruling Wednesday that government workers can no longer be required to pay fees to labor organizations that represent them in collective bargaining.

Cornell receives $35M to support cassava development for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa

Cassava is vital to the food security of millions of Africans who eat some form of the root crop daily. Although cassava breeders are making progress, they still face significant challenges in developing disease-resistant varieties that also increase overall yield and respond to the needs of smallholder farmers and processors.

Student hopes for unions fading

Graduate teaching assistants at private universities had high hopes 18 months ago when a federal labor board ruled that they had a right to collective bargaining, but after the election of President Donald Trump, some schools are taking another shot at halting the burgeoning unionization movement. Columbia University announced in a university-wide email Tuesday that the school wouldn't bargain with the graduate students who voted more than 2 to 1 for union representation, and would instead appeal to a federal court.

Fall in WNY: 8 cooler-weather water safety tips from New York Sea Grant

As cooler weather arrives, New York Sea Grant Extension of Cornell University offers eight tips that water enthusiasts, particularly those who kayak, canoe or use a rowboat, as well as stream and ice anglers, can follow to enhance their seasonal water safety. Water that is less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit can lower body temperature and lead to life-threatening hypothermia.

Does the Cassidy-Graham health-care bill have constitutional problems?

Sen. Bill Cassidy , center, joined by fellow senators, including Sen. Lindsey O. Graham , far left, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell , far right, speaks to reporters at the Capitol in Washington on Sept. 19. The Affordable Care Act faced immediate constitutional challenges once it was enacted.

Joe Biden is getting his own ice cream flavor at Cornell University

The Syracuse University law school alumnus has long been a fan of the sweet treat, getting photographed at events with President Barack Obama while holding an ice cream cone -- or two. One of many memes inspired by his political career shows Biden wearing aviator sunglasses and flashing cash while scarfing down the cold snack.

Mylan launching cheaper, generic version of EpiPen

Mylan says it will make available a generic version of its EpiPen, as criticism continued to mount over the price of its injectable medicine. By TOM MURPHY AP Health Writer Mylan will start selling a cheaper version of its EpiPen after absorbing waves of criticism over a list price for the emergency allergy treatment that has grown to $608 for... A bus full of construction workers hit a firetruck on an elevated highway Sunday, killing two people and injuring 36, several of them seriously, Louisiana State Police said.

Universities boost stipends ahead of ruling on grad unions

Several private universities are boosting stipends and benefits ahead of a federal ruling that could clear the way for graduate students to form unions. To some grad students, it's an attempt to persuade them that they don't need collective bargaining to get a raise.