Why self-belief is a superpower that can be harnessed

Lockdowns may have eroded people’s swagger, but research suggests there are ways to remedy the situation

In July 2007, the Irish golfer Padraig Harrington won one of golf’s most coveted competitions, the British Open. The story of how he did this, one of the most remarkable finishes in golfing history, illustrates one of the ways confidence works.

The Claret Jug – the Open’s famous prize – was within Harrington’s grasp as he teed off at the penultimate hole of the tournament. He had a one-shot lead on his arch-rival, Sergio García. He was entirely in the zone – “I am literally the most confident person at that point in time,” he said later. Then, something strange happened – a twinge of doubt came out of nowhere at the top of his back swing and he sliced the ball into the murky waters of the notorious Barry Burn river.

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‘I’m getting clarity, a time that will feel lighter’: psychics share their 2021 predictions

From astrology to tarot, interest in the mystical arts has flourished during the pandemic. So what is in store for the year ahead?

This age of uncertainty has been a boon for crystal ball gazers. From New York to New Delhi, fortune-tellers have seen spikes in business; in the US, Forbes magazine reported a 136% rise in people seeking supernatural readings. In societies where religious belief is dwindling, and trust in the establishment under threat, the idea of looking elsewhere for guidance – to the stars or beyond, if you believe in a beyond – has made a kind of sense.

2021 will present an opportunity to reassess what’s important. It brings a chance to rebuild

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Back to the workplace after Covid-19: are you fearful or jumping for joy?

Two workers, an epidemiologist and a psychologist explore the highs and lows of returning to the office post-lockdown

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The psychologist: John Ameachi

Office life may never return to how it once was says organisational psychologist John Amaechi – and nor should it. “We can’t ask employees if they are ready to return to the office when employers aren’t ready, and they are not if they have not adjusted to the cultural shift we have witnessed.”

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Coronavirus: how to cope with anxiety and self-isolation – video explainer

The coronavirus pandemic is causing increased stress and anxiety, particularly people with existing mental health problems, practitioners and campaigners have said. The behavioural psychologist Jo Hemmings has been talking through how to cope with these feelings and offering advice to those who have a fear of isolation

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