You Fix This Mess: Post-Election, Evangelicals of Color Disappointed in White Evangelicals

Pastors and lay leaders who represent minority and multiethnic communities and are appalled by the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency have a blunt message for the white evangelical majority that helped elect him: we're disappointed in you, but not surprised. For these evangelicals of color, Trump's use of racially-charged language, his anti-immigrant rhetoric, negative remarks targeting Mexicans and Muslims, as well as the emergence of the "Access Hollywood" tape and his other divisive comments about women, were simply disqualifying.

Syria unlikely to be Partitioned: The Resilience of Colonial Borders

Whenever a country falls into civil war, there are always observers who suggest that the problem could be resolved by a partition of that country. It is as though they think the parties to the war are like squabbling children in the back seat of the car, who can be dealt with by making them sit far away from one another.


Director Jeff Nichols, who made two excellent movies in Mud and Take Shelter , released a very good movie earlier this year called Midnight Special . Loving , written and directed by Nichols, recounts the true story of Richard and Mildred Loving, a couple whose interracial marriage was ruled illegal by the state of Virginia in 1958, banning them from the state and sending their lives into constant turmoil.

Mike Pence gets earful at ‘Hamilton’

Vice President-elect Mike Pence on Friday was the latest high-profile person to attend the Broadway hit "Hamilton," but he became the first to get a sharp message from a cast member from the stage. Mike Pence gets earful at 'Hamilton' performance NEW YORK - Vice President-elect Mike Pence on Friday was the latest high-profile person to attend the Broadway hit "Hamilton," but he became the first to get a sharp message from a cast member from the stage.

‘Hamilton’ actor tells VP-elect Mike Pence he is…

In this image made from a video provided by Hamilton LLC, actor Brandon Victor Dixon who plays Arron Burr, the nation's third vice president, in "Hamilton" speaks from the stage after the curtain call in New York, Friday, Nov. 18, 2016. Vice President-elect Mike Pence is the latest celebrity to attend the Broadway hit "Hamilton," but the first to get a sharp message from a cast member from the stage.

‘Loving’ Review: Quiet Story Of Landmark Case Offers…

The case of Richard and Mildred Loving , who were sent to prison in 1958 for the simple sin of being married, and their subsequent effort to keep their marriage alive despite every obstacle thrown in their way by the state of Virginia, has now finally been turned into a feature film. It comes nearly 50 years after their landmark case went to the United States Supreme Court and changed the laws of the land for everyone.

Michel Temer inherits the presidency of a shaken, divided Brazil

The permanent ouster of deeply unpopular President Dilma Rousseff by Brazil's Senate means that a man who is arguably just as unpopular is now faced with trying to ease the wounds of a divided nation mired in recession. Long known as an uncharismatic backroom wheeler-dealer, Michel Temer inherits a shrinking economy, a Zika virus outbreak that has ravaged poor northeastern states and political instability fed by a sprawling corruption probe that has tarred much of the country's political and business elite-himself included.

Divided America Q&A: A look at white evangelical angst over declining clout

Conservative Christians are anxious about their future after losing the fight over gay marriage, and amid the growing share of Americans who have left organized religion. Here's a look at why white evangelicals are feeling so alienated from other Americans and at the changes fueling this anxiety.