Bryan Adams photographs Cher, Grimes and Iggy Pop for Pirelli calendar

Jennifer Hudson, St Vincent and other music stars also feature in touring-themed photoshoots conceived by rocker-photographer

Images of recording artists including Cher, Iggy Pop, Jennifer Hudson and Grimes will feature in one of the world’s best known photographic commissions.

For the 2022 Pirelli calendar, the rock star and photographer Bryan Adams has captured superstar singers as if they were touring – precisely what they have been unable to do for more than a year.

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Bryan Adams apologises after ‘bat eating’ coronavirus rant

Singer had ranted at ‘wet market animal selling, virus making’ people in China in Instagram post

The Canadian singer-songwriter Bryan Adams has apologised after an outburst on Instagram where he attacked “bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards” in China for the source of the coronavirus outbreak.

The 60-year-old shared an expletive-filled post on Instagram, lamenting how his planned performances in London had been postponed due to the health crisis.

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Bryan Adams attacks China as ‘bat eating, virus making’ source of coronavirus

Canadian pop-rocker conflates various unproven theories about source of disease in expletive-filled rant on Instagram

Bryan Adams has made an expletive-filled attack on Chinese people over coronavirus, in the week he was due to start a concert residency at the Royal Albert Hall, London, that was cancelled due to the outbreak.

Introducing an acoustic performance of the song Cuts Like a Knife on his Instagram page, the Canadian singer wrote:

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