Jews Gather To Pray And Protest Immigration Crackdown At New York ICE Building

Hundreds of people holding purple placards with messages including "This is what 'Never Again' looks like," gathered outside the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in lower Manhattan Thursday evening to protest President Donald Trump's "zero-tolerance" immigration policy. The protest - organized by T'ruah and co-sponsored by groups including J Street NYC and Bend the Arc Jewish Action - comes one day after Trump buckled to pressure and signed an executive order reversing his administration's actions to separate immigrant families.

Thousands of flights cancelled around the US – your expenses will…

Thousands of flights around the country have been canceled due to a major winter storm, including a complete suspension of flights to or from New York's JFK airport. Because the disruptions are caused by weather, airlines aren't responsible for reimbursing your expenses like food, clothing, toiletries, or hotels if you're delayed or stranded.

Donald Trump’s Fascism and His Appeasers

"It can't happen here? My friends, it is happening here." So says New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia near the end of the "The Plot Against America," the Philip Roth novel from 12 years ago that re-imagines American history if the isolationist, Hitler-sympathizing anti-Semite Charles Lindbergh had become president instead of Franklin Roosevelt.