When pigs fly! The shocking moment a hunter Blows Up a herd of feral pigs

Sore losers! USA goalie Hope Solo rants 'we lost to a bunch of cowards' after women's soccer team is knocked OUT of Olympics by Sweden in penalty kicks and loses 4-3 The Democrats are hacked AGAIN: Private phone number of EVERY House Democrat is posted online by 'Russian' hacker after leak of DNC emails and cyber attack on Hillary campaign My life is ruined and my own mother blamed me: Colorado victim shares impact statement after her convicted rapist got no prison time Now Trump says he was 'not THAT sarcastic' about jab that Obama 'founded' ISIS - just hours after he blamed CNN for misreading his 'sarcasm' Hillary Clinton made nearly $11 million in 2015 newly-released tax return reveals - paying 34.2 percent in federal taxes Bada bing! Philadelphia 'mafia king' Skinny Joey is released on $5m bail, ordered to wear an ankle bracelet and confined to his own mansion and Italian restaurant ... (more)

We grew a triffid! At 12ft tall (and counting), the pot plant that’s taken over a garden

Sore losers! USA goalie Hope Solo rants 'we lost to a bunch of cowards' after women's soccer team is knocked OUT of Olympics by Sweden in penalty kicks and loses 4-3 The Democrats are hacked AGAIN: Private phone number of EVERY House Democrat is posted online by 'Russian' hacker after leak of DNC emails and cyber attack on Hillary campaign My life is ruined and my own mother blamed me: Colorado victim shares impact statement after her convicted rapist got no prison time Now Trump says he was 'not THAT sarcastic' about jab that Obama 'founded' ISIS - just hours after he blamed CNN for misreading his 'sarcasm' Hillary Clinton made nearly $11 million in 2015 newly-released tax return reveals - paying 34.2 percent in federal taxes Bada bing! Philadelphia 'mafia king' Skinny Joey is released on $5m bail, ordered to wear an ankle bracelet and confined to his own mansion and Italian restaurant ... (more)

End of the old boys club? FIFA moves spur hope for equity

As the drumbeat for gender equity in soccer grows louder with the approach of the Olympics in Rio, there are signs that women's issues are being taken seriously by FIFA. Critics say it's a positive and long overdue step to shattering the governing body's reputation as an old boys' club.