Analysis: Trump’s climate decision puts US on a lonely path

President Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the landmark Paris climate accord sends an unmistakable message to the world: America First can mean America Alone. Trump's move, announced with great fanfare in the White House Rose Garden on Thursday, immediately leaves the United States isolated on a paramount global concern.

Trump’s Paris Exit Leaves Him Isolated

The response to President Donald Trump's announcement he was exiting the Paris climate accord and wanted to renegotiate on his terms was immediate: The leaders of France, Germany and Italy Even the mayor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania -- a city Trump highlighted as a beneficiary of his decision to turn his back on the global pact -- Trump's decision leaves him more alienated than ever, isolated on the world stage and increasingly embattled at home.  Coming against the backdrop of sprawling probes into ties between Russia and Trump's campaign, the backlash threatens to sap the president's power when he needs it most to advance domestic priorities such as tax reform and a health care overhaul while confronting an increasingly bellicose North Korea.

Trump needlessly undermines NATO

So what if, in his speech last week to NATO, Donald Trump didn't explicitly reaffirm the provision that an attack on one is an attack on all? What's the big deal? Didn't he affirm a general commitment to NATO during his visit? Hadn't he earlier sent his vice president and secretaries of state and defense to pledge allegiance to Article 5? And anyway, who believes that the United States would really go to war with Russia - and risk nuclear annihilation - over Estonia? Ah, but that's precisely the point. It is because deterrence is so delicate, so problematic, so literally unbelievable that it is not to be trifled with.

Could parasitic worm spit hold the key to healing wounds?

'I made a mistake... I'm sorry': Republican candidate Greg Gianforte apologizes for body-slamming reporter after WINNING Montana special election despite facing assault charge Air Force morgue chief 'offered horrified inspectors a peek at astronaut John Glenn's body before he was buried', shocking Pentagon report claims FBI is focusing on Jared Kushner in Russian probe: Investigators look at meetings Trump's son-in-law held with Putin's ambassador during election campaign Could the 8 x 8 x 8 rule be the key to happy hormones? Expert reveals the signs yours are out of whack - and what to do to fix them fast Trump Vs the world! Body language expert reveals what President was REALLY thinking at NATO summit after barging through world leaders, slapping a man for ignoring him and enduring THAT handshake with French PM Trump has a four-point diplomatic plan for dealing with North Korea that ... (more)

Video shows former DNC chair threatening Capitol Police

'I made a mistake... I'm sorry': Republican candidate apologizes for body-slamming reporter after WINNING Montana special election despite facing assault charge Air Force morgue chief 'offered horrified inspectors a peek at astronaut John Glenn's body before he was buried', shocking Pentagon report claims FBI is focusing on Jared Kushner in Russian probe: Investigators look at meetings Trump's son-in-law held with Putin's ambassador during election campaign Could the 8 x 8 x 8 rule be the key to happy hormones? Expert reveals the signs yours are out of whack - and what to do to fix them fast Trump Vs the world! Body language expert reveals what President was REALLY thinking at NATO summit after barging through world leaders, slapping a man for ignoring him and enduring THAT handshake with French PM Trump calls Germany 'bad, very bad' over their global exports as he pledges to stop them ... (more)

Hillary speaks at Wellesley commencement just like in 1969

'Outta my way, I'm in front!': Trump shoves European leader aside to find his place front and center of NATO group photo 'I'll hunt down and prosecute the Manchester bomb secrets leaker': Trump vows to punish US source who gave out forensic photos and details to the media after the UK stops sharing intelligence with America US strike killed more than 100 civilians hiding in a Mosul building when bomb that was aimed at two ISIS snipers caused jihadis' weapons to explode Donald Trump warns 'the horror you saw in Manchester will continue forever' if world leaders do not do more to stop 'savage, barbaric' terrorist attacks Lieberman becomes the FIFTH candidate to pull out of consideration for FBI director - citing Trump's hiring of his law partner Marc Kasowitz to fend off Russia probe Men reveal their biggest turnoffs in a BRUTALLY honest online thread - and they include smoking, extreme ... (more)

Manchester bombing: Pres. Trump orders probe of investigation leaks Read Story Usa Today

President Trump ordered the Justice Department to probe alleged information leaks by U.S. officials regarding the deadly concert bombing investigation here after British authorities announced Thursday they would stop sharing intelligence due to leaks of confidential and sensitive details about the case. "I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," Trump said in a statement released by the White House.

Trump Lectures NATO Leaders on Insufficient Defense Spending

U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday lectured NATO leaders for spending what he sees as insufficient money on defense, and said the group should be more focused on terrorism. "The NATO of the future must include a great focus on terrorism and immigration as well as threats from Russia and on NATO's eastern and southern border.

America’s past and future collide on a single day in Europe

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events Want smart analysis of the most important news in your inbox every weekday along with other global reads, interesting ideas and opinions to know? Sign up for the Today's WorldView newsletter . Call it a tale of two presidents.

OnPolitics Today: Trumpcare could leave 23 million without health insurance

OnPolitics Today: Trumpcare could leave 23 million without health insurance Use it before you maybe lose it. Check out this story on The Republican healthcare plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act that passed the House in early May would decrease the deficit but increase the number of uninsured people, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Trump Lands in Saudi Arabia With White House Engulfed in Crisis

President Donald Trump arrived in Riyadh Saturday morning, the first stop on his inaugural foreign trip as he seeks to escape the controversy engulfing his administration. The president landed at 9:42 a.m. and was greeted by King Salman as he exited Air Force One.

Trump opens first presidential trip abroad in Saudi Arabia

President Donald Trump opened his first trip abroad since taking office, touching down Saturday in Saudi Arabia for a visit aimed at building stronger partnerships to combat terrorism in the region and moving past the controversies engulfing his young administration. Trump flew to Riyadh overnight on Air Force One.

Mandel Ngan/Afp/Getty Images Trump opens first presidential trip abroad in Saudi Arabia

President Donald Trump opened his first trip abroad since taking office, touching down Saturday in Saudi Arabia for a visit aimed at building stronger partnerships to combat terrorism in the region and moving past the controversies engulfing his young administration. Trump flew to Riyadh overnight on Air Force One.

Worldwide effort set to keep Trump happy on 1st trip abroad

When President Donald Trump sits down for dinner in Saudi Arabia, caterers have ensured that his favorite meal - steak with a side of ketchup - will be offered alongside the traditional local cuisine. At NATO and the Group of 7 summits, foreign delegations have gotten word that the new U.S. president prefers short presentations and lots of visual aids.

Worldwide effort set to keep Trump happy on first trip abroad

A giant billboard bearing portraits of U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's King Salman is seen on a main road in Riyadh, on May 19, 2017. A giant billboard bearing portraits of U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's King Salman is seen on a main road in Riyadh, on May 19, 2017.

Which Trump will show up for presidenta s first foreign trip?

President Donald Trump's supporters see his overseas trip as a chance to escape the non-stop revelations related to Russia, but more likely he'll drag the controversy with him overseas - adding another dimension to an already tricky travel schedule. That has left foreign policy analysts wondering which Donald Trump is going to show up for his first foreign trip, which has him visiting five countries in the Middle East and Europe over nine days.

Trump Asked Comey To Shut Down Flynn Investigation

Then-FBI Director James Comey testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee during an oversight hearing on the FBI on Capitol Hill on May 3. President Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey to close down the agency's investigation into his former national security adviser Michael Flynn just one day after Flynn was let go. An associate of Comey's who is familiar with the matter confirms that the former FBI director memorialized the conversation with Trump in a memo he wrote immediately after their Oval Office conversation on February 14. The news was first reported by the New York Times .

U.S.-Russian relations: At least do no more harm

I just returned from a week in Moscow to attend the 6th annual Moscow International Security Conference and a second one sponsored by ISKRAN, Carnegie and the Gorchakov Foundation in Moscow. The public and private discussions concerning the West, United States and Russia were more somber and sobering and in many ways the most inflexible I have witnessed since the end of the Cold War.