Trump security adviser pick called pragmatic but untested in DC trenches manned by Bannon

President Donald Trump's choice of an outspoken but non-political Army general as national security adviser is a nod to pragmatism, but Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster will serve a commander in chief with unorthodox ideas about foreign policy and an inner circle of advisers determined to implement them.

Trump pick as security adviser is nod toward pragmatism

President Donald Trump's choice of an outspoken but non-political Army general as national security adviser is a nod to pragmatism, but Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster will serve a commander in chief with unorthodox ideas about foreign policy and an inner circle of advisers determined to implement them.

As tension simmers, John McCain becomes critic in chief of the commander in chief

Sen. John McCain has long had a reputation as a political maverick. But with the rise of a president who has vowed to shatter the old order, McCain has emerged as an outspoken defender of long-standing Republican verities on foreign policy and as one of his party's most biting critics of the new commander in chief.

Trumpa s first month augurs stormy trans-Atlantic relations

After President Donald Trump's raucous first month in office, Europeans have reacted with demonstrations, counter-barbs and sheer angst that a century of trans-Atlantic friendship may be sinking. "Too much as happened," European Union leader Donald Tusk said Monday, "for us to pretend that everything is as it used to be."

John Kasich: Trump’s NATO role worries Europe

From an international security conference in Munich , Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Sunday that world leaders remain uncertain about President Trump 's commitment to Europe and NATO . "There is a question that in a time of crisis, where will America be," Mr. Kasich said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Shadow president or mere shadow? In Europe, Pence seeks to reassure allies unnerved by Trump.

Diplomats and leaders across Europe had one crucial - if unstated - question for Vice President Pence when he visited Munich and Brussels this weekend: Is he the shadow president, or a mere shadow of the president? And if the mission of Pence's trip abroad was clear - to reassure worried allies this weekend that, yes, despite what his boss may say, the United States remains committed to the security of Europe and to the historic transatlantic partnership - Pence's role was anything but. Though the vice president repeatedly stressed he was speaking on behalf of President Trump, the two men indeed felt like they were separated by an ocean.

Trump ‘unwavering’ in commitment to NATO: Pence

"I bring you this assurance: "The United States of America strongly supports NATO and will be unwavering in our commitment to our trans-Atlantic alliance", Pence declared during the Munich Security Conference, according to the AP". Pence pointed to their shared "noble ideals - freedom, democracy, justice and the rule of law".

Pence tells Europe: ‘US has your back’

US VICE President Mike Pence pledged an "unwavering" commitment to transatlantic ties, aiming to reassure allies including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who pleaded with nations not to go it alone. Capping a week of whirlwind diplomacy by American officials who have descended on Europe to calm nerves rattled by President Donald Trump, Mr Pence underlined the United States' loyalty to its old friends.

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban wears no. 46 jersey in apparent nod to Trump feud

Fighter jets were scrambled in Florida Friday night to intercept an unresponsive plane that violated restricted airspace over President Trump's Mar-a-Lago re... -- Mike Pence affirmed the United States' support for NATO and urged Russia to deescalate violence in eastern Ukraine while speaking Saturday at the Munich Secu... This week U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency Topeka Regional Office expanded the area for producers looking to request a limited irrigation yield by written... OGALLALA - It wasn't easy, but the Gothenburg Boy's closed out their regular season with a 85-57 win over Ogallala on Friday night.

Pence pledges U.S. will stand firm with Europe, NATO

German Chancellor Angela Merkel walks with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence during the 53rd Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, February 18, 2017. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence speaks to participants in the 53rd Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, February 18, 2017.

Pence: U.S. will hold Russia accountable

Seeking to assuage European fears about refreshed Washington-Moscow ties, Vice President Mike Pence told leaders here Saturday that the United States would hold Russia accountable for its actions even as it works to locate new areas for cooperation. "Know this: the United States will continue to hold Russia accountable, even as we search for new common group, which as you know, President Trump believes can be found," Pence said during remarks at the Munich Security Conference, the first major foreign policy address of the Trump administration.

John McCain just systematically dismantled Donald Trump’s…

During a speech at the Munich Security Conference in Germany, the Republican senator from Arizona delivered a pointed and striking point-by-point takedown of Trump's worldview and brand of nationalism. McCain didn't mention Trump's name once, but he didn't have to.

Trudeau on NATO: spending isn’t everything

Canada is demonstrating its commitment to NATO in ways that go beyond simple military spending, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says. During a news conference Friday in Berlin, Trudeau acknowledged the spending target agreed to in 2014 by the members of the global military alliance - two per cent of GDP annually - but described Canada and Germany as principal NATO actors who do much of the "heavy lifting."

Trudeau, Merkel differ on answering Trump call for more NATO defence spending

The pro-trade show of solidarity that Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are likely to make in Berlin later today will mask differences in how to deal with Donald Trump's call for NATO members to boost military spending. The two leaders are to address reporters following an impromptu dinner Thursday night at the Chancellor's invitation, and a meeting today.

US official says Russia deployed missile in treaty violation

Russia has deployed a cruise missile in violation of a Cold War-era arms control treaty, a Trump administration official says, a development that complicates the outlook for U.S.-Russia relations amid turmoil on the White House national security team. The Obama administration three years ago accused the Russians of violating the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by developing and testing the prohibited cruise missile, and officials had anticipated that Moscow eventually would deploy it.

Jess Woodley QUITS Made In Chelsea after six series

Sean Spicer reveals that the President asked for his national security adviser's resignation over Russia lie - and hints at even more 'questionable instances' and an 'eroding level of trust' Etan Patz's killer is found GUILTY after 37 years: Mentally ill store clerk is convicted of kidnapping six-year-old boy while he walked to school, strangling him and dumping him in the trash in 1979 Waiters reveal the WORST first dates they've ever witnessed - including one interrupted by the man's wife and another that ended with a glass eye on the plate Want to be healthy? Stay away from Detroit! City is named unhealthiest in America Engineers are LOSING the battle to lower water behind California's crumbling dam by 50ft before new storm hits on Wednesday Revealed: The truth about that liquid floating at the top of your yoghurt Greece considers ditching the Euro in favor of the US dollar in ... (more)

Julian Zelizer:

Given the major fallout over his travel ban, ranging from the spontaneous protests that have broken out worldwide to a federal judge ruling that the ban needed to be stopped, it seems as though Trump is struggling. Over the past few days, many commentators have pointed to the president's abysmally low approval ratings, with 53 percent of Americans unhappy with the way that he has handled the job, as evidence that his power may be vastly limited by his unpopularity.