NY man doesn’t want ex to use frozen embryos to get pregnant because of childhood fears

'A consummate professional': Mike Myers leads tributes to Austin Powers co-star Verne Troyer after 'suicidal' Mini-Me actor passes away following a long battle with depression George's tears for Barbara: Bush breaks down at his wife's funeral as Jeb reads their love letters during touching eulogy in front of his family and guests including Melania, the Clintons and the Obamas Trump uses Twitter to dismiss claims his lawyer Michael Cohen will 'flip' on him and cooperate with Mueller as he blasts NYT reporter 'She was beautiful till the day she died': Jeb Bush's touching eulogy to his 'precious' mother Barbara including jokes about how she told George H.W. to 'eat broccoli' and anecdotes about their 73-year love Melania Trump smiles as she shares a touching moment with Barack Obama at Barbara Bush's funeral - but pays no attention to Hillary and Bill Clinton President Trump watches Barbara ... (more)

Steve McLaughlin sworn in as Rensselaer County executive, vows to

The Rensselaer County Courthouse was packed Monday, Jan. 1, 2018, for the swearing in of County Executive Steve McLaughlin, county legislators, Troy City Council members and others. The Rensselaer County Courthouse was packed Monday, Jan. 1, 2018, for the swearing in of County Executive Steve McLaughlin, county legislators, Troy City Council members and others.

Jill Stein: Clinton will ‘fan the flames’ of right wing

Voters should not have to choose a "lesser evil" of the two major parties' nominees, likely Green Party nominee Jill Stein said to about 70 people on Saturday. She argued in an afternoon speech that the party has been "ahead of the curve" on racial equality, climate change and LGBT issues.