Fears Covid anxiety syndrome could stop people reintegrating

Exclusive: compulsive hygiene habits and fear of public places could remain for some after lockdown lifted, researchers say

Scientists have expressed concern that residual anxiety over coronavirus may have led some people to develop compulsive hygiene habits that could prevent them from reintegrating into the outside world, even though Covid hospitalisations and deaths in the UK are coming down.

The concept of “Covid anxiety syndrome” was first theorised by professors last year, when Ana Nikčević, of Kingston University, and Marcantonio Spada, at London South Bank University, noticed people were developing a particular set of traits in response to Covid.

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Take things slowly as lockdown ends to avoid ‘re-entry’ syndrome

A psychiatrist advises us not to catastrophise post-Covid life and to be compassionate towards others

First of all, it’s normal to be anxious when there’s such a big change for us as a society. I think the last time there was something similar was post-9/11 when people had to adjust to using transport at a time when people were anxious about that.

The “re-entry” syndrome people might be experiencing as lockdown ends is part of a healthy readjustment and something that people have to deal with when they’ve been off sick or on maternity leave for long periods.

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