France attacker menacing, volatile; jihadist ties a question

A New Hampshire woman is free after serving a three-year prison sentence for luring a co-worker to her apartment in 2012 as a sex offering to her domineering boyfriend, then helping him dispose of the... A New Hampshire woman is free after serving a three-year prison sentence for luring a co-worker to her apartment in 2012 as a sex offering to her domineering boyfriend, then helping him dispose of the co-worker's body... The Western district of the Methodist church has elected an openly gay bishop despite the denomination's ban on same-sex relationships. The Western district of the Methodist church has elected an openly gay bishop despite the denomination's ban on same-sex relationships.

Trump’s VP Pick? Anti-Gay Holy Roller

The Indiana governor and culture warrior would balance the ticket with a twice-divorced, proud philanderer at the top-except he legalized discrimination against LGBT people with a law so extreme other GOP states rejected it. In choosing Mike Pence as his running mate, Donald Trump has shored up the GOP's religious base.

Head of group that led efforts to ban gay marriage to retire

The head of an Ohio-based conservative group who has been an outspoken foe of same-sex marriage and other gay rights issues plans to retire following the November elections. Phil Burress told The Columbus Dispatch he plans to spend time with his family after leaving his position as president of Citizens for Community Values, based in the Cincinnati suburb of Sharonville.

GOP rejects call to back off gay marriage opposition

Visitors show their support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump prior to his speech at Westin Town Center in Virginia Beach, Va., Monday, July 11, 2016. Visitors show their support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump prior to his speech at Westin Town Center in Virginia Beach, Va., Monday, July 11, 2016.

Caitlyn Jenner Takes Half-Step Toward RNC Appearance

Caitlyn Jenner isn't wavering in her support for Republicans; she just booked an appearance in Cleveland, the site of the Republican National Convention, two days after the confab begins on July 18. Jenner will appear at a "Big Tent Brunch" hosted by groups like Equality Ohio and socially-liberal conservatives, including the American Unity Fund and the Log Cabin Republicans, the latter being an LGBT GOP organization. Former talk show host Montell Williams, a Republican LGBT rights supporter, will introduce Jenner at the event, which will call for the party to embrace queer rights in its new platform.

HRC Blasts Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson for Discriminatory Attack on Transgender Students

Today, the Human Rights Campaign , the nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization, denounced Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson for filing a federal lawsuit on behalf of 10 states seeking to block President Barack Obama's historic guidance to ensure the dignity and equal treatment of transgender students in public and federally-funded schools. "It's a sad day when powerful law enforcement officials come together to harm children by collectively discriminating against them simply because of who they are," said JoDee Winterhof, senior vice president for policy and political affairs at The Human Rights Campaign.

Sid Salter: Blame game, posturing don’t solve issues

The actual judicial decision written by U.S. District Carlton Reeves in striking down Mississippi's House Bill 1523 was eloquent, persuasive, and powerful - and at the same time, the ruling itself was entirely predictable and in keeping with the prevailing federal judicial winds. The ruling is written in such a way as to withstand the scrutiny of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Religious supporters of Miss. law look to appeal

Religious supporters of a Mississippi law dealing with objections to same-sex marriage say they hope a higher court will overturn the federal judge who stopped the law from taking effect. Those who oppose the measure are applauding the action by U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves to block House Bill 1523 , saying proponents of the law are misusing religion to support it.


Supporters of the LGBT rights movement won the latest round against conservatives when a federal judge ruled that a Mississippi "religious objections" law is unconstitutional, just moments before it was to take effect Friday. The decision could influence federal judges considering challenges to other state laws and will be held up by gay-rights advocates as another reason for legislatures to back off considering similar bills.

A battle is shaping up across the country over various pieces of…

A federal judge blocked a controversial Mississippi law that would've gone into effect Friday, which would've allowed businesses and government employees to deny services to gay and transgender people based on religious grounds. U.S. District Court Judge Carlton Reeves issued a 60-page opinion in which he described the Mississippi law, known as House Bill 1523, as "state-sanctioned discrimination."

rainbow Mississippi flags

A federal judge blocked a controversial Mississippi law that would've gone into effect Friday which would've allowed businesses and government employees to deny services to gay and transgender people based on religious grounds. U.S. District Court Judge Carlton Reeves issued a 60-page opinion in which he described the Mississippi law, known as House Bill 1523, as "state-sanctioned discrimination."

NOM’s Brian Brown Compares Opponents Of Gay Marriage Ruling To Abolitionists

Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage , this week described marriage rights for gay couples as a "profound lie" similar to slavery. Turnout at NOM's annual March for Marriage - the first since the U.S. Supreme Court found that gay and lesbian couples have a constitutional right to marry - was low, fewer than 250 people by one count .

Asian stocks mixed as markets await Brexit fallout

A year after New York City's jubilant pride parade celebrated a high point for gay Americans with the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage, the atmosphere surrounding the annual march couldn't be... Rainbow flags were held high along with portraits of the dead as thousands of people marched Sunday in gay pride parades tempered by this month's massacre at a Florida gay nightclub. At least six people were stabbed Sunday when members of right-wing extremists groups holding a rally outside the California state Capitol building in Sacramento clashed with counter-protesters, authorities said.