Gates certified as nominee, but state Republican Party votes not to back him

Delegates at the state Republican Party's convention Saturday voted to certify state Rep. Mickey Gates as the Republican nominee for his House seat but didn't endorse his re-election. Gates, a Hot Springs Republican, faces criminal charges of failing to pay state income taxes or file returns.

Republican Lieutenant Governors Association Announces 2017 Executive Committee

The Republican Lieutenant Governors Association , part of the Republican State Leadership Committee , today announced the full 2017 Executive Committee. The committee is made up of lieutenant governors from across the U.S. and they will work closely with the previously announced RLGA leadership team of Nevada Lt.

Spicer Pressed on Why Flynn Was Appointed by Trump Despite ‘Red Flags’

WikiLeaks said in a lengthy statement that the files mysteriously dubbed' Vault 7, are the most comprehensive release of U.S. spying files ever made public Writing for the Huffington Post , David L. Phillips, a Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights, noted that Flynn had "violated US law" if he knew about Alptekin's ties to the Turkish government but failed to register FIG's work for Inovo under the FARA act. Flynn's firm was paid more than $500,000 by Inovo for public relations and research work, including looking into exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen, who resides in Pennsylvania.

Arkansas cards against Clinton

Despite her last name and her long ties to the state, White House hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton found few allies in Arkansas on Tuesday. Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, won in eight of the state's 75 counties, capturing just 33.7 percent of the vote.

Coalesce around Trump, governor urges state GOP

None of Arkansas' top Republican leaders supported Donald Trump in the state's March 1 primary, but now that the party's presidential nominating convention is here, they're lining up to back him. Five of the six Republicans in the state's congressional delegation are present.