A Red Wall to Tame the Blue Wave

How did this man get elected? Why do you still support him? How can you condone his rude tweets and personal attacks? How can you call yourself a Christian and support this lying, immoral man? These are just some of the questions Trump supporters are asked as the left does everything it can to resist, derail, and impeach President Trump. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee brings some perspective, "Even if the best surgeon has a bad bedside manner, you still want him doing your surgery!" Trump is irreverent.

Trump is reportedly upset about old video footage showing him…

President Donald Trump has reportedly been fixated on unflattering news reports about his response to Hurricane Maria, which slammed Puerto Rico in September 2017. Trump has particularly been irritated by video footage of him throwing rolls of paper towels to a crowd of relief workers on the island, according to The Washington Post.

Huckabee: US Meddles in Elections Just as Russia Does

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Thursday morning the United States is not as "pure" as Americans think it is because the government meddles in other countries' elections just as Russia did in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Huckabee appeared on "Fox and Friends" and acknowledged that Russia stuck its nose in America's business during the previous presidential campaign.

Gov. Mike Huckabee Drops a MOAB on Hillary Clinton After She Questions Trump’s Loyalty to US

As TGP's Kristinn Taylor reported , sore loser Hillary Clinton still cannot get over being defeated by Donald Trump for the presidency nearly two years ago now. Sunday night, on the eve of President Trump's summit in Finland with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Clinton trolled Trump on Twitter, questioning his loyalty to the Unites States.

‘Nancy Pelosi introduces her campaign committee for the take back of the House,’ the tweet said.

Former Arkansas Governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee was criticized on Twitter Saturday after tweeting a photo of five tatooed Hispanic men using what appears to be MS-13 gang hand signals. MS-13, a gang present in the United States, Mexico, Central America and Canada, mostly has members from Central America, particularly El Salvador.

Mike Huckabee criticized for ‘bigotry’ over Nancy Pelosi tweet of gang members

Former Arkansas Governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee was criticized on Twitter Saturday after tweeting a photo of five tatooed Hispanic men using what appears to be MS-13 gang hand signals. MS-13, a gang present in the United States, Mexico, Central America and Canada, mostly has members from Central America, particularly El Salvador.

Democrats Pin Hopes On US House Seat In Arkansas Election

Democrats in central Arkansas will choose the party's nominee for a Republican-held U.S. House seat the party believes it has a chance to reclaim this fall, while a state Supreme Court justice is seeking re-election in a campaign that's marked by an onslaught of attack ads from an out-of-state group. The Arkansas Secretary of State's office hasn't predicted how many of the state's 1.7 million registered voters will cast a ballot in Tuesday's primary and nonpartisan judicial election.

How Arkansas Republican primary voters learned to stop worrying and love Obamacare

Don't miss Jay Barth's column in this week's Arkansas Times on the evolution of opinion on Medicaid expansion among Arkansas GOP voters. Barth digs in to a doozy of a finding in a recent Talk Business poll, one I also noted last week : A substantial plurality of Arkansas Republican primary voters now support Medicaid expansion.

U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, Arkansas AG Leslie Rutledge back death for drug dealers

U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., uses a salt shaker to illustrate that a similar quantity of the drug fentanyl would kill thousands of people. Cotton and Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge held a news conference Wednesday to discuss their efforts to fight opioid problems.

State offers computer training, extra pay

More Arkansas teachers will have access to computer science training and up to $2,000 in stipends after Gov. Asa Hutchinson announced an expansion of the continuing education program on Wednesday. The K-8 Computer Science Lead Teacher Stipend and Training Program was created in December with $500,000 in seed money; on Wednesday, Hutchinson added $300,000 to the program because interest in the initiative exceeded expectations.

Sen. Tom Cotton on John Bolton: ‘Excellent Choice’

Sen. Tom Cotton praised President Donald Trump's selection of John Bolton as national security adviser as an "excellent choice to take the baton." "H.R. McMaster is a warrior and a scholar, one of the best generals of his generation," the Arkansas Republican, who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement.

Agency for Delta appoints governor

Fellow governors from the Delta region backed the Bentonville native Saturday afternoon in Washington, D.C. Hutchinson replaces Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey. The White House has called on Congress to eliminate the Delta Regional Authority, but Arkansas Republican leaders have staunchly defended the independent federal agency, which promotes economic development in some of the nation's poorest counties.

State must pay $71,214 to attorney

Arkansas must pay $71,214 to the Heber Springs lawyer who got the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the state's discriminatory birth-certificate practices, Pulaski County Circuit Judge Tim Fox ruled Friday. The judge found that attorney Cheryl Maples is entitled by federal law to reimbursement for the time and expenses she has devoted to the 2 A1 2-year long legal battle that saw the nation's highest court summarily overturn the Arkansas Supreme Court on the issue last year.

Democrats’ Schumer draws criticism with deal to end shutdown

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., arrives at the Capitol at the start of the third day of the government shutdown, in Washington, Monday, Jan. 22, 2018. Schumer, arguably the most powerful Democrat in Washington, is trying to keep his party together to force a spending bill that would include protections for young immigrants.