Democrats Pin Hopes On US House Seat In Arkansas Election

Democrats in central Arkansas will choose the party's nominee for a Republican-held U.S. House seat the party believes it has a chance to reclaim this fall, while a state Supreme Court justice is seeking re-election in a campaign that's marked by an onslaught of attack ads from an out-of-state group. The Arkansas Secretary of State's office hasn't predicted how many of the state's 1.7 million registered voters will cast a ballot in Tuesday's primary and nonpartisan judicial election.

Ryan’s impact: Tax bill but no entitlement reform

House Speaker Paul Ryan steps down in January after a twenty year career in Congress with one major accomplishment -- a massive overhaul of the tax code. But the policy wonk and Republican thought leader departs without meaningful action on the agenda that led to his rise as a national Republican figure -- reforming entitlement programs and tackling the nation's debt crisis.

Analysis: Tax cuts, spending to raise deficit to $1T by 2020

The combined effect of President Donald Trump's tax cuts and last month's budget-busting spending bill is sending the federal deficit toward the $1 trillion mark next year, according to a new analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. The CBO report says the nation's $21 trillion debt would spike to more than $33 trillion in 10 years, with debt held by investors spiking to levels that would come close to equaling the size of the economy, reaching levels that many economists fear could spark a debt crisis.

State delegation all for law’s repeal

Veterans groups and their lobbyists applaud Arkansas as the only state where all congressional members in both 2015 and 2017 co-sponsored bills to repeal the "Widow's Tax." "The widows and children of our service members have sacrificed in service to our country, and they deserve the very best," Sen. Tom Cotton said through a spokesman about his support of the "Widow's Tax" repeal.

2 days away, Republicans still don’t have a plan to avoid shutdown

As House Republicans spilled out of a closed-door meeting Wednesday night, it was clear that things hadn't gone well. Members gave wildly varying accounts of the proposal that's being cobbled together to keep the government open ahead of Friday's shutdown deadline.

Ryan getting pressure on DACA

Nearly two dozen House Republicans on Thursday pressed Speaker Paul Ryan to act quickly on legislation that would protect about 800,000 illegal aliens brought to the United States as children. The lawmakers said efforts to grant such deportation protection would easily pass in the House, with dozens in the GOP set to join Democrats in backing such a bill.

GOP tax plan would slash corporate rate, help wealthiest

House Republicans on Thursday unveiled a tax cut plan that would slash the corporate rate and lower the personal taxes of most Americans but also limit a cherished deduction for homeowners, as President Donald Trump and the GOP seek to deliver on the first tax revamp in three decades. The proposal would add $1.5 trillion to the nation's debt over the next decade as Republicans largely abandoned fiscal discipline in a plan that could secure a legislative achievement for Trump and score a political win ahead of next year's midterm elections.

Brawner: What kind of country?

The next six months are going to tell us a lot about what kind of country this is, and whether the United States Congress is still capable of fulfilling its constitutional duties. That's because Congress now has a deadline, and unlike past deadlines, it's not one that can just be postponed through a continuing resolution or legislative trick.

Budget and Appropriations Members Rack Up Travel Time

Staff travel makes up a significant chuck of the amounts spent on travel by the Appropriations and Budget committees. Members of the Budget and Appropriations committees have spent about $2 million on foreign travel since the start of 2016, including trips to Argentina, Tanzania, Italy and the United Kingdom, according to an analysis of congressional records.

Republicans worry Trump scandals may doom legislative agenda

Scandals enveloping U.S. President Donald Trump have left Republican lawmakers and lobbyists increasingly gloomy about the prospects for passing sweeping tax cuts, a rollback of Obamacare and an ambitious infrastructure program. With the White House and both chambers of the U.S. Congress under Republican control, party leaders and their allies in the business community had expected to get quick traction on their plans, with corporate tax cuts among the top priorities.

W. Memphis plant inauguration today

A new $15 million manufacturing plant and testing laboratory in West Memphis with close ties to the Clean Line Energy project, which is roundly opposed by Arkansas' delegation in Congress, officially opens today. Production at the plant began earlier this month with about 30 workers.

Democrats look to field strong candidates for Congress in ’18

Hoping for a tidal wave of anti-Trump votes in 2018, Democrats say they are working hard to line up strong candidates to run for Congress. In a special election in Kansas last week, the Democratic candidate captured 46 percent of the vote in a district President Donald Trump carried by 27 points.

Trump thrills Arkansans

Members of the all-Republican Arkansas congressional delegation stood and applauded repeatedly during President Donald Trump's speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening. "I thought it was a message of unity and strength.

Tales of Two Cities: On the scene in Cleveland & Philadelphia

At both of the major-party conventions' conclusions, there was serious tension and distrust between the presumptive nominees' delegates and backers and those of the runners-up. At the Republican conclave in Cleveland, this was symbolized somewhat by a scuffle involving the efforts of Mick Wright, a Bartlett delegate committed to Ted Cruz, to make sure that Cruz got the 16 votes he was entitled to when the roll of states was called on the second night of the convention.

Arkansas congressman joins marijuana eradication hunt

Authorities in the Arkansas Ozarks region were joined by congressman Steve Womack in a marijuana eradication effort this week. The Republican lawmaker posted on Facebook that the Arkansas National Guard and Boone County Sheriff's Office eliminated 90 marijuana plants after flying the area by helicopter Tuesday.

Rocky day on convention floor underscores unsettled GOP mood

The sleek silver stage dominating the Quicken Loans Arena was empty for several minutes Monday afternoon during a confused scene: Delegates chanted "shame," yelled for a roll call vote, and pointed at a microphone that had been turned off. One yanked off his credentials and threw them to the floor.