Old state prison holds promise in aiding vets, group says

A group of Arkansas veterans hopes to soon transform a near-defunct prison complex into an enclave for recovering ex-military members. The 52-acre compound comprising the former Southeast Arkansas Community Corrections Center in Pine Bluff needs north of $10 million in repairs and renovations.

House Veterans committee chairman takes oversight on the road

The last stop for Tennessee Rep. Phil Roe before heading home for Thanksgiving was Little Rock, where the chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs promised quick action on legislation increasing veterans' private-sector health care options. Despite concerns about cost, privatization and the influence of outside parties - such as the conservative Koch political network - Roe said Monday that the committee has come to a consensus on the Veterans Choice program and will likely advance legislation after the weeklong holiday break.

Democrats look to field strong candidates for Congress in ’18

Hoping for a tidal wave of anti-Trump votes in 2018, Democrats say they are working hard to line up strong candidates to run for Congress. In a special election in Kansas last week, the Democratic candidate captured 46 percent of the vote in a district President Donald Trump carried by 27 points.