Tens of Thousands Show Up to March At Nyc LGBT Pride Parade 2016

Thousands of people took to the streets of New York City on Sunday to celebrate LGBT Pride Month and rally in support of the LGBT community following a mass shooting at gay nightclub Pulse in Orlando, Florida this month which left 49 victims dead . According to A.M. New York , this year's 46th annual Pride March was the largest in New York history, with some 32,000 marchers.

Spain exit poll: Popular Party gets most votes in election

Spain's Unidos Podemos coalition party leader Pablo Iglesias rests leaning on a net after a basketball match with some friends at the Complutense University of Madrid sports campus in Madrid, Saturday, June 25, 2016. Spaniard... Lighter winds are helping firefighters make gains on a voracious and deadly wildfire in central California that has burned 150 homes and claimed two lives.

Column: Why political correctness is a good thing

Why did a 29-year-old man who had previously been investigated by the FBI remain free and able to terrorize an Orlando gay bar? The NRA's Chris Cox wrote a column for USA Today identifying political correctness - specifically, the Obama administration's - as the chief factor in creating the opportunity for the massacre. He later doubled down on his claim in an interview with Face the Nation.

Denton gay couples reflect on first anniversary of marriage ruling

Tod King, left, and Casey Cavalier hold their adopted son, 3-year-old Eddie, for a portrait in their home in Denton. King and Cavalier were the first same-sex couple to try to seek a marriage license at the Denton County Courts Building following the June 26, 2015, Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage nationwide.

Lives are on the line: The smearing of LGBTs by the right is more…

Some have wondered if the killer used ISIS as a cover for a different motivation involving a possible struggle with his own sexual identity, but the massacre was terrorism against LGBT people, regardless of motive. North Carolina State Rep. Dan Bishop , the primary sponsor of the "bathroom bill."

In Raising Funds for Paul Ryan, Is Tim Cook Emulating Trump?

While there's been strong criticism of Apple CEO Tim Cook's decision to host a fundraiser for U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and other Republicans, it seems he's doing what business leaders often do in the political world, even a businessman Cook deeply disdains. "As a businessman that deals all over the world, you give.

Attorney General: No ‘magic bullet’ against jihadist propaganda

The Orlando massacre at a popular gay nightclub shows no one yet has "found the magic bullet" to prevent Americans from being inspired to violence by jihadist propaganda on the Internet, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Tuesday as she visited a city still shaken by the shootings. Countering the narrative of radical extremism continues to be a challenge for the government, Lynch said in an interview with The Associated Press.

U.S. stands with Orlando shooting victims, attorney general says

The U.S. government is providing $1 million in emergency funds to cover overtime for first responders to the Orlando nightclub massacre and stands in support of the LGBT community after the tragedy, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Tuesday. Lynch spoke in Orlando after meeting with relatives of some of the 49 people killed and 53 wounded in the June 12 rampage and said there was no doubt it was a "shattering" attack on the United States, its people and its most fundamental ideals.

New demands threaten peace pact with Afghan militant group

A Connecticut judge is set to hear arguments on whether to dismiss a lawsuit against the maker of the semiautomatic rifle used to kill 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. A judge will hear arguments on whether to dismiss a lawsuit against the maker of the semi-automatic rifle used to kill 20 children and six adults in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre- a weapon similar to the... Authorities say the FBI has arrested four people, including three high-ranking New York Police Department officers, in connection with New York City's ongoing corruption probe.

McKinley decries push for gun control in the wake of Orlando massacre

State First District Congressman David McKinley says the response to the Orlando shooting has focused too much on gun control and restricting the freedom of Americans rather than on stopping Islamic terrorism. The massacre left 49 dead and 53 wounded last Sunday when a man who pledged allegiance to ISIS opened fire in a gay nightclub.

Ohio gun shop owner fatally shot by concealed carry student

A week has passed since the Orlando nightclub shooting that killed 49 club patrons and the funeral processions are wrapping up, but survivors and victims' families say they realize the nightmare will live on... Although the killer is known, the investigation continues into what motivated and enabled Omar Mateen to carry out the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Authorities say the owner of an Ohio gun shop teaching a concealed carry class was fatally shot in the neck by a student who accidently fired a weapon.

Russian soldier dies of wounds in Syria

A week has passed since the Orlando nightclub shooting that killed 49 club patrons and the funeral processions are wrapping up, but survivors and victims' families say they realize the nightmare will live on... Although the killer is known, the investigation continues into what motivated and enabled Omar Mateen to carry out the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Authorities say the owner of an Ohio gun shop teaching a concealed carry class was fatally shot in the neck by a student who accidently fired a weapon.