Canada to require all new cars to be zero-emission by 2035

Automakers are pushing back, arguing goal is unrealistic given higher cost of EVs and patchwork nature of charging infrastructure

Canada will require all new automobiles to be zero-emission by 2035 as the country looks to curb its fossil fuel output.

Environment minister Steven Guilbeault outlined the federal government’s plan on Tuesday requiring auto manufacturers to increase the share of fully electric or plug-in hybrids sold in the coming years.

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Canada police charge man with 14 counts of murder for mailing poison

Police say Kenneth Law, 58, sent at least 1,200 packages containing lethal substances to addresses in more than 40 countries

A Canadian man who allegedly helped more than a dozen young people across the province of Ontario kill themselves by mailing them poison has been charged with 14 counts of second-degree murder, police said on Tuesday.

Kenneth Law, 58, had previously been charged with 14 counts of counseling or aiding suicide.

In the US, you can call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on 988, chat on, or text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor. In the UK and Ireland, Samaritans can be contacted on freephone 116 123, or email or In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international helplines can be found at

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‘A part of winter is missing’: Ottawa grieves over lack of canal ice for skating

Rideau has not turned into world’s long ice rink as usual, laying bare unpredictable realities of climate crisis

Every winter for more than two decades, Chris Macknie has laced up boots, clipped on skis or slipped on running shoes to compete in Ottawa’s Winterlude triathlon.

The event, held in dead of winter, has hundreds skate along the frozen Rideau canal, swapping out their blades for nordic skis and then finish with a run.

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World’s largest skating rink on thin ice as Canada’s warm winter prevents opening

Mild temperatures in Ottawa make it too dangerous to open Rideau Canal Skateway, the capital’s 7.8km long ‘blockbuster’ attraction

Canada’s Rideau Canal Skateway – the largest outdoor rink in the world and a Unesco heritage site – may not open this winter for the first time in five decades, due to a lack of ice.

Ottawa is in the grips of its third-warmest winter ever recorded, according to Environment Canada, with temperatures hovering just below freezing through most of December and January.

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Ottawa trucker protest: pepper spray and scuffles as police try to clear capital – video

Police pushed back protesters in Canada’s besieged capital on Saturday, arresting 170 people and towing away dozens of vehicles. Many more trucks were driven out of the city, raising authorities’ hopes for an end to the three-week protest against the country’s Covid restrictions. Police in tactical gear quickly gained ground on the second full day of one of the biggest police enforcement actions in Canada’s history, for which officers were drawn in from around the country

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5G and QAnon: how conspiracy theorists steered Canada’s anti-vaccine trucker protest

Ottawa’s occupation was a result of unrivaled coordination between anti-vax and anti-government organizations

Thousands of demonstrators have successfully occupied Canada’s frigid capital for days, and say they plan on staying as long as it takes to thwart the country’s vaccine requirements.

The brazen occupation of Ottawa came as a result of unprecedented coordination between various anti-vaccine and anti-government organizations and activists, and has been seized on by similar groups around the world.

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Thousands protest against Covid-19 vaccine mandates in Canada – video

Thousands held a loud but peaceful protest in Canada’s capital, Ottawa, against prime minister Justin Trudeau’s Covid-19 vaccine mandates, on the streets and snow-covered lawn in front of parliament. The so-called Freedom Convoy started out as a rally of truckers against a vaccine requirement for cross-border drivers, but turned into a demonstration against government overreach during the pandemic, with a strong anti-vaccination streak

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