Senate poised to confirm Trump’s pick to head Treasury

President Donald Trump's pick for Treasury secretary is headed toward confirmation by the Senate Monday despite complaints by Democrats that Steven Mnuchin ran a "foreclosure machine" when he headed OneWest Bank. Votes on Trump's Cabinet picks have exposed deep partisan divisions in the Republican-controlled Senate, with many of the nominees approved by mostly party-line votes.

Reality Check: Trump is wrong about Atlanta

Donald Trump harshly criticized Georgia Rep. John Lewis on Saturday, tweeting that his district was "in horrible shape and falling apart ..." Trump's tweets came in response to Lewis' comments to NBC News' Chuck Todd in a taped interview that aired on Sunday's "Meet the Press." The congressman said, "I don't see the President-elect as a legitimate president."

Evidence shows that Trump’s Treasury pick illegally foreclosed on thousands

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according... Donald Trump's nominee to run the Treasury Department is a handy billionaire whose primary qualification is that he came on board early as a volunteer for the Trump campaign. But even before joining Team Trump, Steven Mnuchin found a way to make life miserable for millions.

Mnuchin’s Bank Broke Foreclosure Rules, Leaked AG’s Memo Says an hour ago

A bank run by Steven Mnuchin, President-Elect Donald Trump's pick to be Treasury secretary, may have engaged in "widespread misconduct" while foreclosing on homeowners, according to a leaked 2013 memo written by lawyers in the California attorney general's office. The memo urged top officials in then-Attorney General Kamala Harris's office to sue OneWest Bank over the allegations, which included backdating mortgage documents to speed up foreclosures and manipulating the results of home auctions.

Democrats are already building a case against Trumpa s pick to lead Treasury Department

Steven Mnuchin, President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Treasury, arrives at Trump Tower in New York on Dec. 12. President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Treasury Department is likely to face a contentious confirmation battle centered on his purchase of a failed subprime mortgage lender that repeatedly has been accused of wrongful foreclosures. The formal vetting process for Steven T. Mnuchin, who served as Trump's campaign finance chairman and worked at investment bank Goldman Sachs for nearly two decades, has not yet begun.

Democrats eye confirmation fight over Trump’s Treasury pick

In this Nov. 30, 2016 file photo, Treasury Secretary-designate Steven Mnuchin talks to reporters as he arrives at Trump Tower in New York. There's growing concern among Republicans about the upcoming Senate confirmation hearings Mnuchin, the Wall Street financier Donald Trump has chosen to head the Treasury Department less FILE - In this Nov. 30, 2016 file photo, Treasury Secretary-designate Steven Mnuchin talks to reporters as he arrives at Trump Tower in New York.

CFPB: Foreclosure Relief Shouldn’t End When HAMP Does

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau added its voice Tuesday to a chorus of other regulators in calling for sustainable foreclosure relief when the Home Affordable Modification Program expires at yearend. The bureau released "guiding principles" for mortgage servicers and investors that were almost identical to those described in a white paper last week from the Treasury Department, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

Does America think Trump would be better for real estate?

Just as the country divides itself by championing either Trump or Clinton, so too does it divide itself on how either candidate might affect real estate. Trulia's newest report looks at election data via a Harris Interactive survey asking "how Americans think Secretary Clinton or Mr. Trump might help/hurt home price growth, and how home prices have fared since the recession in counties where our presumptive nominees claimed victory in the primaries."

Justice Department Drops Fraud Case Against Countrywide’s Mozilo

In the aftermath of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, a lot of fingers were pointing at Mozilo as someone to blame. That's because he was the CEO of Countrywide: the nation's largest mortgage lender, which collapsed after making massive numbers of bad home loans that resulted in foreclosures and helped send the U.S. banking system into cardiac arrest.