A bipartisan attempt at reform

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Idea of running FHFA is ‘intriguing,’ Hensarling says

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, sounded open to heading the Federal Housing Finance Agency after he leaves Congress, and acknowledged that his capital-formation bill still faces a potentially tough vote in the Senate. Hensarling, who is not running for re-election, has been mentioned among others as a possible successor to FHFA Director Mel Watt, whose term expires in January.

Trump’s GSE plan: Familiar solution, familiar problems

Since not long after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were seized by the government a decade ago, policymakers have been circling the same idea for how to revamp the housing finance system. Broadly speaking, that plan would privatize the two government-sponsored enterprises while providing an explicit federal backstop for the mortgage market.

Most Florida flood zone property not insured

As Hurricane Irma bears down on Florida, an Associated Press analysis shows a steep drop in flood insurance across the state, including the areas most endangered by what could be a devastating storm surge. In just five years, the state's total number of federal flood insurance policies has fallen by 15 percent, according to Federal Emergency Management Agency data.

Business news in brief

Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday that the average rate on 30-year, fixed-rate home loans rose to 4.05 percent from 4.02 percent last week. The benchmark rate stood at 3.57 percent a year ago and averaged 3.65 percent in 2016, the lowest level in records dating to 1971.

Federal National Mortgage Association v. John Michael Kaio Personal…

FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. JOHN-MICHAEL KAIO, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF JOY LEINAALAONAPUA KAIO, Defendant-Appellant, and JOHN DOES 1-10; JANE DOES 1-10; DOE PARTNERSHIPS 1-10; DOE CORPORATIONS 1-10; DOE ENTITIES 1-10; and DOE GOVERNMENTAL UNITS 1-10; Defendants GRANTING DECEMBER 12, 2016 MOTION TO DISMISS APPELLATE COURT CASE NUMBER CAAP-16-0000722 FOR LACK OF APPELLATE JURISDICTION, STRIKING DECEMBER 22, 2016 REPLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DECEMBER 12, 2016 MOTION AS UNAUTHORIZED UNDER HAWAI'I RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE RULE 27AND DISMISSING ALL PENDING MOTIONS AS MOOT Upon review of Plaintiff-Appellee Federal National Mortgage Association's December 12, 2016 motion to dismiss appellate court case number CAAP-16-0000722 for lack of appellate jurisdiction, Defendant-Appellant John-Michael Kaio's December 19, 2016 memorandum in ... (more)