Twitter to notify users exposed to Russian propaganda during U.S. elections

Reuters - 20 January 2018: Twitter Inc, which is reviewing Russian interference during the 2016 U.S. elections, said on Friday it would notify some of its users whether they were exposed to content generated by a suspected Russian propaganda service. The company said it would email 677,775 people in the United States who followed, retweeted or liked content from accounts associated with the Internet Research Agency during the election.

Something special on the pillows for newly sworn in Virginia governor

The peaceful transfer of power in Virginia would not be complete without a prank pulled by the outgoing governor on his successor. So it was that as newly inaugurated Gov. Ralph Northam hit the sack Saturday night after his inauguration, he found something special on his pillowcase - and it was not one of those fancy hotel good-night chocolates.

Russia probes head into new year with no immediate end in sight

Congressional investigators say they are increasingly concerned about threats to the coming midterm election with multiple probes into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election still incomplete with no immediate end in sight. Add Russia Investigation as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Russia Investigation news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Echoes of Watergate in Trump White House

In the days before Christmas a dangerous new tone crept into the ongoing political combat surrounding the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and suspected Russian efforts to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Just over a week ago the high profile Fox News host Jeanine Pirroa , an old friend of Donald Trump, said on her program there was a "criminal cabal" against Mr Trump inside senior federal law enforcement circles and called for "a cleansing a in our FBI and Department of Justice ... it needs to be cleansed of individuals who should not just be fired, but who need to be taken out in cuffs".

Hell freezes over: Media start admitting that Trump’s first year …

Trump praises 'Fox & Friends' for being named 'most influential' because he watches it - on Thursday praised "Fox & Friends" after a media website named it the "most influential" because he watches it. - "Was @foxandfriends just named the most influential show in news?" Trump tweeted.

Pence’s Christmas Pilgrimage Is Canceled. His Next Mideast Move …

Trump praises 'Fox & Friends' for being named 'most influential' because he watches it - on Thursday praised "Fox & Friends" after a media website named it the "most influential" because he watches it. - "Was @foxandfriends just named the most influential show in news?" Trump tweeted.

Ivanka Trump: Corker had ‘real integrity’ during tax…

Warner: Firing Mueller would be 'gross abuse of power' - Warner warns of threats against Mueller - Washington Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Wednesday that the firing of Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller would be a Ivanka Trump: Corker had 'real integrity' during tax negotiations - , first daughter and senior adviser to President Trump - for his work on the GOP tax bill, saying the Tennessee lawmaker "had real integrity." - "I spent a lot of time with Senator Corker as well.

Top Democrat says Trump firing of Mueller could provoke a constitutional crisisa

The top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, responding to escalating Republican attacks on Special Counsel Robert Mueller, said on Wednesday that if US President Donald Trump fires Mueller, it "has the potential to provoke a constitutional crisis." Speaking on the Senate floor, Senator Mark Warner denounced attacks on Mueller's impartiality and said the special counsel's investigation of ties between Trump's presidential campaign and Russia must be "able to go on unimpeded."

Democrats troubled as GOP senators show little urgency to…

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, looks over his papers as he walks to the Senate Chamber to deliver a speech about the future of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, looks over his papers as he walks to the Senate Chamber to deliver a speech about the future of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

Sen. Warner Cautions Trump Against Meddling in Mueller Probe

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee is warning President Donald Trump against firing special counsel Robert Mueller or pardoning any targets of the federal probe into Russia and the president's Republican campaign. Virginia Sen. Mark Warner said Wednesday that growing criticism of Mueller's probe pointed to an effort to lay the groundwork for Mueller's removal or other interference in the federal investigation.

Senate Russia probe looking into 2016 candidate Jill Stein

The Senate intelligence committee has asked for documents from Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein as part of its probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, adding another new thread to the panel's investigation as it heads into next year. Stein said Tuesday that she was cooperating with the probe and providing documents to the committee.

Jill Stein, the Green Party’s 2016 presidential candidate, says …

The Senate intelligence committee has asked for documents from former presidential candidate Jill Stein as part of its probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, adding another new thread to the panel's investigation as it heads into 2018. Stein said in a statement overnight Tuesday that she was cooperating with the probe and is providing documents to the committee.

Democrats have new Southern strategy

With Doug Jones' upset victory in last week's Alabama U.S. Senate race, Democrats are solidifying a new model for rebuilding their tattered competitiveness in the South. Jones benefited from the unique vulnerabilities of his opponent, Republican Roy Moore, who was a deeply polarizing figure even before he was besieged by allegations that he had pursued relationships with teenage girls, some of them underage, while in his 30s.

Interior announces full funding to repair Arlington Memorial Bridge

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announced a $227 million project to rehabilitate Arlington Memorial Bridge, a historic and critical transportation link in the nation's capital. As awarded, the project will save American taxpayers $35 million and 1.5 years of estimated construction time.

President Trump tweet sparksa

President Trump denied any attempt to obstruct an FBI investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn on Sunday, while lawmakers said the president's own comments raised new questions about him and the probe into Russians who interfered in last year's presidential election. During a weekend-long series of tweets following Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI, Trump attacked the FBI in general and former director James Comey over different aspects of the Russia investigation, including Flynn's role.

Warner calls for McFarland to testify

Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner said on CNN's "State of the Union" that KT McFarland, a former Trump transition official and deputy national security adviser, needs to provide testimony to Congress and special counsel Robert Mueller. "Ms. McFarland needs to come in, and not just testify in front of Mueller, but testify in front of the congressional committees," Warner said Sunday.

Congressional Russia probes likely to head into 2018

Some Republicans are hoping lawmakers will soon wrap up investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election that have dragged on for most of the year. But with new details in the probe emerging almost daily, that seems unlikely.