US orders immediate halt to some AI chip exports to China, says Nvidia

Fellow tech company Intel ‘reviewing regulations’ as timing of move brought forward

The chip designer Nvidia has said the US has told it to immediately halt the export of some of its high-end artificial intelligence chips to China as regulators advanced the deadline.

The restrictions were supposed to come into effect 30 days after 17 October, when the Biden administration announced measures to stop countries, including China, Iran and Russia, from receiving advanced AI chips designed by Nvidia and others.

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Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder who predicted rise of the PC, dies at 94

Engineer, whose microchip forecast became known as ‘Moore’s Law’, foresaw mobile phones and home computers decades before they existed

Intel Corp co-founder Gordon Moore, a pioneer in the semiconductor industry whose “Moore’s Law” predicted a steady rise in computing power for decades, has died at the age of 94, the company announced.

Intel and Moore’s family philanthropic foundation said he died on Friday surrounded by family at his home in Hawaii.

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Intel apologises to China over Xinjiang products and labour directive

US chipmaker responds to backlash after telling its suppliers to avoid region at centre of human rights abuse allegations

The US chipmaker Intel has apologised for telling its suppliers not to source products or labour from Xinjiang, a province that human rights groups and governments including the US allege uses forced labour, after facing a backlash across China.

Intel, which derives more than a quarter of its $80bn (£60bn) in annual revenues from the Chinese market, apologised to the people of China and its local partners on Thursday for telling suppliers to avoid the region in accordance with restrictions imposed by “multiple governments”.

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Intel faces backlash in China after banning products and labour from Xinjiang

Chinese social media users call for boycott of US chip maker after it issues directive to suppliers over human rights concerns

Intel, the US computer chip maker, is facing a backlash from China after telling its suppliers not to source products or labour from the region of Xinjiang.

Intel said it had been “required to ensure that its supply chain does not use any labour or source goods or services” from Xinjiang in accordance with restrictions imposed by “multiple governments”.

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Exposing the Russian Hacking Fraud by Publius Tacitus

You can be forgiven if you are confused about whether or not the emails from the DNC were taken by Russian hackers or lifted by an insider who in turn sold the electronic files to Wikileaks or was the work of someone else. While we do not have any clear evidence about the identity of the culprit or culprits, there are some undisputed facts that call into serious question that the DNC email debacle was a Russian Government Intel operation.

In agreements with FEC, Sanders campaign, Australian Labor Party…

Kushner's Business Got Loans from Companies After White House Meetings - Apollo, the private equity firm, and Citigroup made large loans last year to the family real estate business of Jared Kushner, President Trump's senior adviser. - Early last year, a private equity billionaire started paying regular visits to the White House.

Intel ‘intentionally hid’ Meltdown and Spectre from US cyber security officials

CHIP GIANT Intel intentionally hid the discovery of the Meltdown and Spectre chip security flaws from US cybersecurity officials, according to a bunch of tech companies who wrote to lawmakers on Thursday. In a number of letters seen by Reuters , the companies wrote that Intel didn't make the issue known to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, or US-CERT, until they leaked to the public.

Bannon expected to skip House Intel testimony, sources say

Bannon was ordered to return to Capitol Hill Tuesday morning after a marathon meeting with the committee behind closed doors last month, where he refused to answer the committee's questions about his time working for Trump during the transition or in the White House. Bannon declined to answer the questions in light of executive privilege concerns, a claim of privilege Rep. Adam Schiff, the panel's top Democrat, called "breathtaking."

Lawmakers dispute ‘vindication’ for Trump in Intel memo

Democrats on Sunday argued that the release of a controversial memo accusing the Justice Department of surveillance abuses does not vindicate Donald John Trump Schiff: Nunes gave Trump 'secretly altered' version of memo Davis: 'Deep state' existed in '16 - but it elected Trump Former Trump legal spokesman to testify to Mueller about undisclosed call: report MORE Trump made the claim that the memo "totally vindicates" him in the Russia investigation in a tweet following the memo's release Friday.

Dems: House Intel Panel Votes to Release GOP Memo

The GOP-majority House Intelligence Committee voted Monday to release an explosive memo allegedly accusing the Department of Justice and FBI of misusing their authority to get a secret surveillance order on an ex-Trump campaign aide. Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who announced the action at a news briefing, complained the Republican members voted against also releasing a minority memo that rebuts the data in that written by panel chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.

Buchanan/Nunes Duels the Deep State – Nunes Duels the Dee…

Nunes Duels the Deep State By Patrick J. Buchanan Tuesday - February 6, 2018 That memo worked up in the Intel Committee of Chairman Devin Nunes may not have sunk the Mueller investigation, but from the sound of the secondary explosions, this torpedo was no dud. The critical charge: To persuade a FISA court to issue a warrant to spy on Trump aide Carter Page, the FBI relied on a dossier produced by a Trump-hating British spy, who was using old Kremlin contacts, while being paid to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Russia probes head into new year with no immediate end in sight

Congressional investigators say they are increasingly concerned about threats to the coming midterm election with multiple probes into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election still incomplete with no immediate end in sight. Add Russia Investigation as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Russia Investigation news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

White House rips Senate Intel panel for producing ‘zero evidence’ of collusion after 9-month probe

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders urged members of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday to "focus on other things," a day after the panel said its probe into possible collusion between Trump associates and Russian officials remains open.