Buchanan/Nunes Duels the Deep State – Nunes Duels the Dee…

Nunes Duels the Deep State By Patrick J. Buchanan Tuesday - February 6, 2018 That memo worked up in the Intel Committee of Chairman Devin Nunes may not have sunk the Mueller investigation, but from the sound of the secondary explosions, this torpedo was no dud. The critical charge: To persuade a FISA court to issue a warrant to spy on Trump aide Carter Page, the FBI relied on a dossier produced by a Trump-hating British spy, who was using old Kremlin contacts, while being paid to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Turkish businessman who hired Flynn says neither of them worked for Turkish government

Michael Flynn during the closing months of the 2016 presidential election refused to say whether he had been questioned or received a subpoena in connection with the ongoing investigation into the dealings of Trump associates during the campaign. Alptekin, who was in Washington, D.C. attending a Turkish-American business conference at the Trump International Hotel, founded a Dutch-based company called Inovo that paid the Flynn Intel Group more than $500,000 during the presidential campaign, according to papers Flynn filed with the Department of Justice.

Former Trump aide Flynn says lobbying may have helped Turkey

" President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who was fired from his prominent White House job last month, has registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for $530,000 worth of lobbying work before Election Day that may have aided the Turkish government. Paperwork filed Tuesday with the Justice Department's Foreign Agent Registration Unit said Flynn and his firm were voluntarily registering for lobbying from August through November that "could be construed to have principally benefited the Republic of Turkey."

The Latest: Official sheds light on Trump’s next step on ban

Mrs. Trump, who is not yet living in the White House full time, greeted President Donald Trump on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews before a trip to Florida. The Trumps are playing host this weekend at their Florida estate to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife, Ake.