Trump Golf Resort Damages Special Nature Site

The spectacular dunes system picked by Donald Trump for his golf resort in Aberdeenshire has been "partially destroyed" as a result of the course's construction, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act have revealed. Scottish Natural Heritage, which has been under pressure for years to speak out on the issue, now acknowledges that serious damage has been done to the site of special scientific interest at Foveran Links on the Menie estate, north of Aberdeen, since the course opened in 2012, the documents show.

Daily: Hints and Allegations

Since The New York Times published a story based on the accounts of Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks Thursday night, Trump's surrogates have tried several tactics to push back. One is to question the timing of the revelation, and to argue that they represent a coordinated attack by the Clinton campaign.

Two Women’s Accusations of Sexual Assault Against Donald Trump

Unless carbon emissions plummet soon, the risk of a region-altering disaster in Arizona and New Mexico will exceed 99 percent. Between 1545 and 1548, an epidemic swept through the indigenous people of Mexico that is unlike anything else described in the medical literature.

Business promotion and politics par for Trump’s golf tour

US presidential candidate Donald Trump, second right, arrives by helicopter for a tour at the Trump International Golf Links at Balmedie, near Aberdeen, Scotland, Saturday June 25, 2016. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump is on a short break away from his presidential campaign.

Trump Downplays Brexit’s Potential Effect on the US

Speaking from Aberdeen, Scotland, one day after England voted to leave the European Union , Donald Trump chastised Hillary Clinton for failing to appear on camera to talk about the vote. So funny, Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and now she says that she is the one to deal with the U.K. All talk, no action! Hillary Clinton released a statement after the vote stating that she respects the choices of the UK and wants to protect both American families from potential economic turmoil and the United States' special relationship with Britain.