What the TSA Found in Carry-On Luggage Last Week

If the Instagram account for the Transportation Security Administration tells us anything about the psyche of the United Sates, it is this: The country has a surprising interest in owning Batman-replica boomerangs; and Americans are locked and loaded, and they often forget this fact when flying. Last week TSA caught a near-record 68 firearms in people's carry-on luggage - including a 3D-printed pistol.

Plugged In: My TSA, Lonely Planet app reviews

The Transportation Security Administration offers a practical, bare-bones app designed to get you as smoothly as possible through that curse of the modern traveler: the security line. It's not flashy, but it has a lot of valuable information, including estimates of how long it will take you to get through any airport's security checkpoints, local weather and information on TSA procedure.

TSA offers tips for families flying with young children

The Transportation Security Administration is predicting that this summer will be the busiest ever at its security checkpoints, and getting through security, especially with babies and toddlers, can be a hassle. TSA spokeswoman Lorie Dankers said travelers with children can help keep things moving by knowing the rules and the procedures before heading in line.

Senate Homeland Security Chair: – Islamic Terrorists’ Are – Root Cause’ of Airport Waits

Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson says the "root cause" of long wait times in U.S. airports is the ongoing threat to the nation's aviation system from Islamic terrorists. "We have to understand the root cause of problem here is Islamic terrorists," Johnson said Tuesday regarding the current changes in airport security protocol made by the Transportation Security Administration that has caused tens of thousands of passengers to miss their flights..

Airports go slow on Delta’s plans to expand VIP security lanes

As travelers face long waits for U.S. airport security checks, Delta Air Lines Inc wants to expand limited access lanes to allow its top fliers - and anyone who pays a fee - to jump to the front of the line. But some airport managers are balking at the idea, saying they don't have the room or don't want to do anything that may compound delays for regular fliers.

Few Memorial Day travel headaches, most wait times bearable

Travelers who had braced for long lines and long waits were instead moving through most U.S. airports fairly quickly Monday, as the busy Memorial Day travel weekend drew to close. "Honestly it wasn't too bad," said Kendra Morehead of Wooster, Ohio, who flew from Detroit to Denver for a conference.

Sioux Falls Travelers Weigh In On TSA’s Longa

You may have seen or heard the headlines-a number of airports across the nation are calling out the Transportation Security Administration. Many say TSA staffing cuts are to blame for long lines and wait times If you walk through security checkpoints at the Sioux Falls Regional Airport, you'll rarely ever have to deal with long lines and wait times before you depart.

Expecting worst, holiday travelers find fast airport lines

Fast moving airport security lines at the start of the Memorial Day weekend could bode well for return travelers Monday. Travelers reported moving quickly through airport checkpoints Friday after authorities opened extra screening lanes and used bomb-sniffing dogs to give some passengers a break from removing their shoes.

Airport security disarray

This week's departure of Kelly Hoggan as head of security for the embattled Transportation Security Administration is a nice start to a management shake-up, but it won't probably bring much comfort to travelers stuck in long lines in the nation's airports. No, that would have at least required Mr. Hoggan to take off his shoes, empty his pockets and submit to a full body scan - but only after two hours of anxiously milling about in a crowd of strangers.

Liberate the Commanding Heightsby Kevin D. WilliamsonThe United…

France is suffering a general transportation meltdown as union goons lay siege to the country's oil refineries and fuel terminals, with a civil-aviation strike looming, too. In a few days, I'll be going from the American frying pan into the French fire as I fly from an airport named for George H. W. Bush to one named for Charles de - World War II heroes who helped whip the Axis but who probably would have less luck against the public-sector unions than they did against Hitler and The madness isn't that our employees attempt to extort more money from us.

airport lines

Kelly Hoggan, head of security operations for the Transportation Security Administration, has been forced out of his post amid mounting anger over airport delays, according to Fox News . "Members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee expressed outrage in a May 12 hearing over a $90,000 bonus package Hoggan received, even after reports surfaced of systematic security screening failures at airports around the country.

Nation-Now 59 mins ago 8:15 a.m.TSA boots head of security amid furor over long lines

The Transportation Security Administration's head of security has been ousted amid an uproar over long lines at airport security checkpoints and intense scrutiny over bonus payments. "Kelly Hoggan has been removed from his position as head of security at TSA, following our hearing on May 12 on mismanagement at TSA," the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform posted on its Twitter account.