Emerald Ash Borer Information Session

Officials from the DACF Maine Forest Service and Division of Animal and Plant Health, United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and USDA Forest Service will hold an information session in Lebanon, ME on Monday, October 1st, 2018 starting at 6:30 pm, at the Lebanon Elementary School, 65 Upper Guinea Rd, Lebanon, ME. The purpose of the public meeting is to provide background information on the insect; an update on the response to the detection of emerald ash borer; and discuss impacts on movement of wood products.

HUBweek unveils new events, headliners

HUBweek, Boston's "festival for the future," will kick off its weeklong series of conferences, exhibits, and dance parties early next month with a new and diverse cast of speakers and artists, organizers said Thursday. Among the headline speakers this year are Governor Charlie Baker, SoulCycle cofounder Julie Rice, New York Senator Chuck Schumer, CTE research pioneer Ann McKee, and former Suffolk assistant district attorney Adam Foss.

Maxine Waters says she’s faced increased threats, cancels attending 2 events

Rep. Maxine Waters said Thursday she's seen an increase in threats since she made controversial comments last week encouraging protesters to heckle and harass members of Trump's Cabinet in public spaces. The California Democrat canceled two scheduled appearances in Alabama and Texas this weekend after saying she got threatening messages and "hostile mail" at her office, including "one very serious death threat" on Monday from an individual in Texas.

Statement on the Supreme Court’s Janus vs. AFSCME, Council 31 Decision

Capt. Tim Canoll, president of the Air Line Pilots Association, Int'l , issued the following statement today after the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling in the Janus vs. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees , Council 31 case: "Today's Supreme Court decision, Janus vs. AFSCME, Council 31 , is just the latest in a long series of attacks against unions by those who desire to undermine workers' wages, benefits, and bargaining power. As the world's largest pilot union, ALPA has not been immune to attempts to diminish our unity.

Some Memorial Day ceremonies canceled, to move indoors due to rain

Rain from Subtropical Storm Alberto impacted some Memorial Day that were scheduled to honor the service members who gave their lives while serving in the United States military. - Greenville County and the Greenville Joint Veterans Council will host a Memorial Day ceremony titled "Tribute to Our Fallen Comrade" In front of the Veterans Memorial Monument at County Square.

Trump Capitalizes On Events, Elections In Elkhart

Amid numerous red "Make America Great Again" hats, Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill introduces Vice President Mike Pence Thursday night in Elkhart. Pence spoke briefly before introducing President Donald Trump.

CRISPR helps find new genetic suspects behind ALS/FTD

Researchers used the gene editing tool CRISPR to rapidly search the entire human genome for genetic suspects behind hereditary versions of ALS and FTD. NIH-funded researchers at Stanford University used the gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 to rapidly identify genes in the human genome that might modify the severity of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia caused by mutations in a gene called C9orf72.


Sacred Aging Series @ The J! An in-depth series that explores "Sacred Aging," and our individual purpose in the modern world. Tucson Hebrew Academy is enrolling for the 2018-19 school year! You're invited to engage with our teachers, get a feel for our warm and supportive learning environments, and see THA in action with a tour of the building.