Trump’s Curious Coalition

A supporter of President Donald Trump waits in a nearby neighborhood before a campaign rally at the North Side Middle School in Elkhart, Indiana rump's strategy for keeping power is to build up his coalition of America's white working class and the nation's ownership class. It's a curious coalition, to say the least.

Trump Capitalizes On Events, Elections In Elkhart

Amid numerous red "Make America Great Again" hats, Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill introduces Vice President Mike Pence Thursday night in Elkhart. Pence spoke briefly before introducing President Donald Trump.

Potpourri: Lots of Election and Trump Rally Insights

U.S. Sen. Todd Young stood among fans on the floor of North Side Middle School Gym Thursday during part of President Donald Trump's Rally in Elkhart. Photo by Dan Spalding Trump visit President Trump's rally in Elkhart Thursday was a star-studded event for Republicans.

Trump hits Sen. Donnelly hard on his home turf

At Elkhart rally, President Trump and Vice President Pence call on Hoosiers to send newly minted GOP Senate nominee Mike Braun to Washington. Trump hits Sen. Donnelly hard on his home turf - and gives him a new nickname At Elkhart rally, President Trump and Vice President Pence call on Hoosiers to send newly minted GOP Senate nominee Mike Braun to Washington.

Trump is returning to campaign roots with rally in Indiana Source: AP

Taking the reins as party leader, President Donald Trump is returning to his campaign roots with big-stage events allowing him to target vulnerable Senate Democrats and mobilize his most fervent supporters on behalf of Republicans. Trump was set to rally supporters in Elkhart, Indiana, on Thursday night, two days after state Republicans nominated former state lawmaker Mike Braun to challenge vulnerable Democratic U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly.

The ’18 RV Industry ‘Power Breakfast’ is Sold Out

The sixth annual breakfast will be anchored this year by U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and Indiana Senator Joe Donnelly. while the Power Breakfast program, a fast-paced mixture of informative business and political themes that helps set the scene each spring for the North American RV arena's annual selling season, is scheduled for program, headlined by Secretary Zinke and Senator Donnelly, has garnered so much interest," reported BJ Thompson, an Elkhart-based public relations executive and administrator of the annual breakfast.

Pardoned Chicago man says he felt abandoned by Pence

A Chicago man who spent more than eight years in prison for a wrongful conviction said Friday he's angry that his name wasn't cleared by Vice President Mike Pence during his time as Indiana governor. Keith Cooper was surrounded by his wife, daughter, stepchildren, mother and other supporters as he told reporters that he was grateful to new Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, who granted his pardon request on Thursday.

Pence pardon

For nearly 20 years, Keith Cooper has been a felon - a label wrongfully placed on him by the criminal justice system. And for the past three years, Cooper had hoped and waited for Indiana Gov. Mike Pence to use his executive power and issue a gubernatorial pardon, permanently removing that label and the stigma that goes along with being a felon.

Middle-Class Pain: Stagnant Pay Says It All

Plenty of American workers, fearful about their financial well-being and their perch in the middle class, believe that economists, politicians and President Obama have it wrong. Many voters say they greet public discussions about a robust U.S. economy with skepticism because they and their communities continue to feel the effects of losses during the Great Recession.

Obama Explains What’s Fueling Trump’s Rise

President Barack Obama on Wednesday acknowledged that anger toward him, along with three decades of economic upheaval, is fueling the populism driving many white working-class voters to back presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. "I think Trump is a more colorful character than some of the other Republican elected officials," Obama told PBS' Gwen Ifill during a town hall.

Obama: If You Want More Civility In Politics, Don’t Vote For People Like Trump

"Vote for folks who are civil and who are making arguments and using logic and presenting evidence, not just somebody who is popping off." President Barack Obama on Wednesday said voters have a responsibility to promote civility in politics by not voting for "somebody who is just popping off" or "just being controversial for the sake of it," implicitly referring to presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

‘Myth-busting’ Obama tries to debunk GOP on the economy

President Barack Obama went on a "myth-busting" mission Wednesday aimed at undermining Republican arguments about the economy, working to give cover to Democrats to embrace his policies ahead of the presidential election. Officially, Obama came to this hardscrabble town in northern Indiana to illustrate how steps he took in the first days of his presidency had ultimately paid off and pulled the economy back from the brink.