Apple to U.S. lawmakers: China did not hack us, as reported – Mon, 08 Oct 2018 PST

Apple's top security officer told lawmakers the company has found no evidence of claims made in a report published last week. His response comes after the Department of Homeland Security and Britain's national cybersecurity agency both said that they believe denials by Apple, Amazon and others of the Bloomberg report that the Chinese government planted surveillance microchips in servers used by U.S. tech giants.

Killed DNC Staffer – Wanted to Make a Difference,’ Family Says

The father of a 27-year-old man who worked for the Democratic National Committee said his son wanted to "make the world better," that he worked tirelessly in the community and stayed focused on politics. But on Sunday morning in Washington, D.C., Seth Conrad Rich, the DNC's voter expansion data director, was fatally shot.

Elite travellers skip the line – for a price

The next time you're stuck in a long security line, consider this: At most US airports it's possible to buy your way out of the wait. All major domestic airlines and some smaller carriers offer programmes that allow people to skirt lines leading to the taxpayer-funded Transportation Security Administration checkpoints even if they don't qualify for the government's expedited security programme.