In tight Pa. House race, Saccone leans on Trump and his base

Republican Rick Saccone, right, acknowledges the crowd during a campaign rally with President Donald Trump, Saturday, March 10, 2018, in Moon Township, Pa. Saccone is running against Democrat Conor Lamb in a special election being held on March 13 for the Pennsylvania 18th Congressional District vacated by Republican Tim Murphy.

Trump: Voters must support GOP in Pittsburgh-area House race

President Donald Trump, right, talks with Republican Rick Saccone during a campaign rally, Saturday, March 10, 2018, in Moon Township, Pa. Saccone is running against Democrat Conor Lamb in a special election being held on March 13 for the Pennsylvania 18th Congressional District vacated by Republican Tim Murphy.

Trump: Don’t fall for Democrat Lamb’s moderate talk

President Donald Trump told western Pennsylvania voters Saturday night that his new tariffs were saving the steel industry and urged them to send a Republican to the House so he can keep delivering those kinds of results. The president lent his weight to Republican Rick Saccone in the final days of a surprisingly competitive special election outside Pittsburgh that could reverberate nationally ahead of the November midterm elections.

Top StoryTrump addresses Pennsylvania, announces 2020 campaign slogan

President Donald Trump told Pennsylvania voters Saturday night that his new tariffs were saving the steel industry and urged them to send a Republican to the House so he can keep delivering those kinds of results. The president lent his weight to Republican Rick Saccone in the final days of a surprisingly competitive special congressional election outside Pittsburgh.

For Saccone, Trump is key to GOP victory in Pa. House race

In this March 7, 2018, photo, Democrat Conor Lamb, goes on a campaign walk through a neighborhood in Carnegie, Pa. Lamb is running against Republican Rick Saccone in a special election being held on March 13 for the PA 18th Congressional District vacated by Republican Tim Murphy.

The Latest: Trump says 2020 slogan is ‘Keep America great!’

The Latest on President Donald Trump's rally for a Pennsylvania Republican running in a special House election : Trump says if he runs again - which is "almost positive" - that he can't use his "Make America Great Again" tag line. That's because he'll already have spent years in office.

Trump tries to sway close House race in Pennsylvania

President Trump is lending the weight of the White House to a congressional candidate who hopes to keep a Pittsburgh-area House seat in Republican hands. Trump was holding a rally in Moon Township, Pa., on Saturday night for Rick Saccone, a state representative in a tight race against Democrat Conor Lamb, a former Marine and federal prosecutor who has never run for office before.

The Latest: China hopes for restart of N. Korea negotiations

In this Jan. 18, 2018 photo provided by NAU Athletics, Northern Arizona's Omar Ndiaye warms up before an NCAA college basketball game against Eastern Washington in Flagstaff, Ariz. Ndiaye does not have a right hand due to a birth defect, but was still talented enough to become a Division I basketball player.

Pennsylvania vote to test labor’s strength and loyalty

Democrat Conor Lamb, right, talks with some of his campaign volunteers at a campaign office in Carnegie, Pa., Wednesday, March 7, 2018. A special election in western Pennsylvania next week is shaping up as a test of the strength and loyalty of the modern-day labor movement.

In Pa. union territory, an electoral test of labor’s pull

In this March 6, 2018, photo, Conor Lamb, the Democratic candidate for the March 13 special election in Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District, greets supporters during a rally at the Carpenter's Training Center in Collier, Pa. less In this March 6, 2018, photo, Conor Lamb, the Democratic candidate for the March 13 special election in Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District, greets supporters during a rally at the Carpenter's Training ... more In this March 5, 2018, photo, Republican Rick Saccone, right, talks with supporters at a campaign rally in Waynesburg, Pa.

Pennsylvania Election: Regional Race Could Offer Clues About Midterms Voter Turnout

Less than two years after Donald Trump won Pennsylvania by double digits, a special election race between a young Democrat and a deeply conservative Republican is now closer than either side had expected. The congressional race is being run in Pennsylvania's 18th district, but the March 13 election is expected to offer clues about how voters will turn out in the November midterms.

GOP leaders to seek halt to Pennsylvania congressional map

Republican leaders of the Pennsylvania Legislature said Wednesday they will soon ask the U.S. Supreme Court to halt the imposition of new congressional district maps , two days after they were announced by the state's highest court. House Speaker Mike Turzai said that later Wednesday he and his Senate counterpart will request an emergency stay of what he called a "completely partisan, ultimate gerrymander."

Congressional map raises Democrats’ hopes, legal test ahead Source: AP

The map of congressional districts imposed by Pennsylvania's high court for the state's 2018 elections will set off a new legal battle, reconfigure perhaps dozens of campaigns and give Democrats a boost in their mission to wrest control of the U.S. House. The map of Pennsylvania's 18 congressional districts is to be in effect for the May 15 primary and substantially overhauls a Republican-drawn congressional map widely viewed as among the nation's most gerrymandered.

Congressional map raises Democrats’ hopes, legal test ahead

Dallas police: U.S. Postal Service worker found fatally shot inside a mail truck along busy highway, case being investigated as a homicide. Dallas police: U.S. Postal Service worker found fatally shot inside a mail truck along busy highway, case being investigated as a homicide.

The Next Big Battle Over Trumpism

Washington, PA-It was a frigid Saturday afternoon but Ellen Cicconi, a 53-year-old stay-at-home mom from Canonsburg, chose to brave the elements to check out the next great American political campaign playing out in her proverbial backyard. In nearby Washington, a city about 30 miles southwest of Pittsburgh proper, Conor Lamb, a 33-year-old Marine veteran was opening up a new campaign office.