Trump’s presidency, overseas business deals and relations with…

Georgia's then-President Mikheil Saakashvili and Donald Trump appeared in March 2011 to announce plans to build two Trump-branded towers in Georgia, one in the Black Sea resort of Batumi and one in the capital city, Tbilisi. Days after Donald Trump's election victory, a news agency in the former Soviet republic of Georgia reported that a long-stalled plan for a Trump-branded tower in a seaside Georgian resort town was now back on track.

US and Georgia sign ‘defence partnership’

The United States and Georgia signed a security deal Wednesday designed to shore up the former Soviet republic's defences against Russia as it waits to join NATO. US Secretary of State John Kerry and Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili inked the agreement at a ceremony in Tbilisi just two days before the annual NATO summit in Warsaw.