Anti-immigration protesters interrupt a Know Your Rightsa forum in El Monte

EL MONTE >> A group of protesters, some sporting “Make America Great Again” hats and other clothing in support of President Donald Trump, interrupted a “Know Your Rights” information forum for undocumented immigrants hosted by Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, D-El Monte, Friday night. The event, held at the city's Grace T. Black Auditorium, was meant to provide residents with information about legal protections and resources for immigrants, as well as about the naturalization process.

‘Too much death’: California congressional delegation mourns shootings

Several included the fatal shootings by police of Alton Sterling of Louisiana and Philando Castile of Minnesota in their remarks. "My thoughts are with the families of those brave Dallas police officers, as well as the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile," Rep. Judy Chu said in a statement.