Want Congress to hear your opinions? Tips from an expert

Advice from an ex-Capitol Hill staffer on how to get a Congress member's attention has gone viral in the aftermath of the close and divisive 2016 election. Emily Ellsworth, a writer and editor from Salt Lake City, worked for both Utah Reps.

Evan McMullin: Political unknown turned anti-Trump symbol

Former CIA agent Evan McMullin has quickly evolved from a political unknown to a legitimate threat to become the first independent candidate in nearly half a century to win electoral votes in a presidential election. The presidency itself is out of his reach because McMullin is only on the ballot in 11 states.

Another Abduction by North Korea?

Chris Stewart gave a simple explanation for introducing a congressional resolution on missing American David Sneddon: "As a parent, it seemed the right thing to do." The Utah congressman's own son was the one who told him that his friend had mysteriously vanished-the first U.S. citizen to disappear from China without a trace since President Nixon's historic 1972 trip.

Utah Navajo, Elected Leaders, Urge Against Bears Ears Monument

Washington, D.C.-Local leaders and members of Utah's Navajo Nation made a plea for a cooperative legislative effort rather than an executive order for the proposed Bears Ears National Monument Wednesday. Speaking from the nation's capitol, the delegation asked President Barack Obama to hold off on signing an executive order that would make the Bears Ears area in San Juan County a national monument in favor of protecting the land via Rep. Rob Bishop's forthcoming Public Lands Initiative legislation.

No third-party candidates qualify for Utah political debates

No third-party candidates will take the stage with Democrats and Republicans this fall in political debates put on by the Utah Debate Commission. None of those running for Congress, governor or attorney general in Utah met the 10 percent threshold for participation based on polling that the commission conducted Aug. 2 to Sept.

How Republicans celebrate the National Park Service’s 100th anniversary

Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee, which is frightening.We must make sure his hateful rhetoric does not even... Sign if you agree: Presidents do not stop working in the final year of their term. Neither should the Senate.