Trump rally fires up crowd in Washington Township

President Donald Trump took aim at familiar political targets and added a few fresh ones during a campaign-style rally Saturday night in the county that helped give him a surprising victory in the 2016 election. Trump, in an 80-minute speech, has been urging voters to support Republicans for Congress as a way of advancing his agenda.

Michigan looks to reclaim world record for largest Rosie the Riveter gathering

When more than 2,000 women and girls of all ages descended upon the former Willow Run bomber plant near Ypsilanti two years ago, wearing red bandanas and blue work clothes with sleeves rolled up, they set a world record for the largest gathering of "Rosie the Riveters" since World War II. Among those in costume were 43 of the "original Rosies," women who went to work in American factories producing munitions and war supplies critical to the Allied victory in the 1940s.

TPP Vote Count Doesn’t Add Up

A ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee and at least 10 House Republicans who had voted for "fast track" trade promotion authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership have announced their opposition to the trade deal, joining many Democrats who have already opposed the deal. Rep. Richard Neal "will not vote in favor of TPP as it stands today."

AP news guide: 2 US House races spotlight Michigan primary

Two open U.S. House seats highlight the primary election in Michigan, where the Republican winner of a Thumb-area seat will have a clear path to Congress while the victors in the state's expansive northern district will contend in a competitive race in November. The Aug. 2 primary also will set the stage this fall for control of the state House, which Democrats are eager to win after years of GOP rule.