Lawmakers Call Out Trump Administration for Russia Sanctions Delay

Senator Ben Cardin 'frustrated' that the State Department missed a deadline to provide guidance specifying entities that could face sanctions. Two top lawmakers remain frustrated over the Trump administration's failure to start implementing a set of congressionally mandated Russia sanctions on time, and are considering other avenues to pressure officials to act.

President Trump to make announcement on fate of Iran nuclear deal Friday

President Trump is expected to announce his decision on the fate of the Iran nuclear deal in a speech on Friday, according to lawmakers briefed by the administration. White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster was on Capitol Hill Wednesday evening briefing top Republican lawmakers on the administration's forthcoming announcement.

Lawmakers worry about US move on arms exports

The Trump administration is expected to introduce new regulations that lawmakers say could make it easier for terrorists to get their hands on U.S. weapons and harder to ensure they aren't used by governments known for abusing human rights. The proposed regulations would move responsibility for licensing the export of arms that are commercially available in the U.S. -- including assault rifles like the ones used in the Las Vegas massacre -- from the State Department, where Congress has oversight of foreign military assistance, to the Commerce Department.

Interpol admits Palestinian membership, angering Israel

International police agency Interpol voted Wednesday to include Palestine as a member state, in a new boost to Palestinian efforts for international recognition and influence amid long-stalled negotiations with Israel for full statehood. The decision drew an angry Israeli reaction and threat of retaliation.

Could This Crazy-Sounding Tax Reform Proposal Actually Work?

Tax reform has been a major component of the Trump administration's domestic policy agenda, and after numerous distractions, the White House and lawmakers on Capitol Hill are starting to talk more seriously about the Trump tax plan and potential ways to achieve the goal of bolstering economic growth. Yet one fundamental obstacle to tax reform remains the difference in priorities between the two major political parties.

Trump ‘fire and fury’ is justified; America won’t back down in the face of bullies like North Korea

The hand-wringers were out in full force this past week, moaning and wailing about President Donald Trump's rhetoric regarding North Korea. That the left, the weak-kneed and the RINOs have filled a week of media coverage with rants and dire pronouncements about the supposed dark effect of Trump's bold message to the regime only shows how far down the progressive path Barack Obama managed to push the nation - how far away from the Founding Father we've strayed.

Universal health care can work: But the case must be made for how to pay and how money will be saved

In this Oct. 17, 2016, photo, supporters applaud Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who spoke at a rally in support of Colorado Amendment 69, a ballot measure to set up the nation's first universal health care system, on the campus of the University of Colorado, in Boulder. Progressives are riled up with renewed seize-the-day determination to turn Congress' failure to gut Obamacare and Medicaid into a push for nationwide universal health care.

Dems Will Stall If Displeased With Tax Reform Process

Democrats could use stall tactics in the upper chamber yet again to delay Trump appointees and Senate business. Democratic senators are concerned that Republicans will exclude them from the development process of tax reform legislation, similar to their prior claims of being left out during the Obamacare repeal debate.

Mixed messages on Trump support for Russia sanctions

The Trump administration supports the current version of a bill to sanction Russia, the new White House press secretary said, although her boss, Anthony Scaramucci, wouldn't guarantee that President Donald Trump will sign it. The legislation, which could soon land on Mr Trump's desk for a signature, wasn't the only area where Mr Trump's hand-picked communications director differed from others in the administration on Sunday after taking the job on Friday.

White House Team Differs on Trump Support for Russia Sanctions

The Trump administration supports the current version of a bill to sanction Russia, the new White House press secretary said, although her boss, Anthony Scaramucci, wouldn't guarantee that President Donald Trump will sign it. The legislation, which could soon land on Trump's desk for a signature, wasn't the only area where Trump's hand-picked communications director differed from others in the administration on Sunday after taking the job on Friday.

Democrats herald agreement on sweeping Russia sanctions bill

All month long, Mass Appeal has been taking you to different locations across New England, to places to take the family on a fun and excitin In this July 13, 2017 photo, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y. pauses during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. Congressional Democrats announced Saturday that a bipartisan group of House and Senate negotiators have reached an agreement on a sweeping Russia sanctions package to punish Moscow for meddling in the presidential election and its military aggression in Ukraine and Syria.

President Donald Trump gestures during a speech aboard the nuclear…

Congressional Democrats announced Saturday that a bipartisan group of House and Senate negotiators have reached an agreement on a sweeping Russia sanctions package to punish Moscow for meddling in the presidential election and its military aggression in Ukraine and Syria. Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the No.

Graham Predicts New Russia Sanctions, Warns Trump Against Veto

The Senate is expected to vote this week on a measure to punish Russia with sanctions for interfering in the 2016 presidential election, and President Donald Trump would be "betraying democracy" if he vetoes it, Senator Lindsey Graham said. Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said on CBS's "Face the Nation'' on Sunday that Russia must face retribution for hacking into Democratic Party emails and other actions -- from providing arms to the Taliban to kill U.S. soldiers , to colluding to allow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to keep chemical weapons and being complicit as those munitions were used against children.

Trump advisers: US seeks to fight IS and oust Syriaa s Assad

President Donald Trump's national security adviser on Sunday left open the possibility of additional U.S. military action against Syria following last week's missile strike but indicated that the United States was not seeking to act unilaterally to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad. In his first televised interview, H.R. McMaster pointed to dual U.S. goals of defeating the Islamic State group and removing Assad.